Define Dimarco Meaning

Someone/Something who is lame and not funny/bad joke.

"Flea your such a dimarco"
"Dude thats so dimarco"
By Jamie
A kind, confident, intelligent person, also handsome. He’s persude by heart and his smart and positive vibes.

By Eadith
Maddy Dimarco
the biggest whore you will ever meet. she is nice when she is under the influence of alc or drugs. she’s cute ig but like sassy. she only does it for 4 mins tho. if uk her i’m sorry your life must be terrible.

damn it’s maddy dimarco aka the biggest hoe in glenview
By Danni
Donny DiMarco
The inventor of the word 'Giggity'. Also a highly personable radio personality on HOT 95-7. Also known as the internation man of leisure, professional celebrator, lover of women worldwide and hedonist by nature.

I was at the bar, and THE Donny DiMarco fucked my wife. Amazing.
By Beulah
Dimarco Polo
When one kisses a female on the cheek and tells her he loves her then skeets in her mouth and says Marco??? and waits for her response with a mouth full of jizz.

D, Would you like to play Dimarco polo?

Sure, anything for you.

D, I love you. Skeet Skeet! Marco?

Polo!(Sounding like she has a mouthful of water but actually its jizz)
By Uta