Define Eer Meaning


By Alicia
the phrase said by a stoner before passing teh pips

"eer you go bro" --couch couch gag wheez--
By Vanda
to attract ones attention by shouting 'eer'

eer mate can i hav some cowies
By Mabelle
To act in a manner that produces eerie feelings from others.

Kirk got quiet, producing an eerie feeling from Scotty. "Man...I hate it when she eers like that."
By Pauly
A high pitched screeching sound used in substitute of the word awesome.

Man that is like EER!
By Clarabelle
"EVERYTHING ELSE REQUIRED" - It's kind of a term used after we finish a chat... people hate to type "good bye... c ya... sweet dreams..." and on and on... "EER" instead... you an start with "good bye... cya... and EER..." and as time moves on and people get familiar with the term, you can just use "EER" to bid farewell, when you think it's time to leave... or whatever...

Oops... sorry, I've got to go to school... so, EER :)
By Marjie
What I fucking hear students say when they mention their future career in college. Because we all know that a lucrative career leads to us to talking about our new Cadillacs to each other, how much miles per gallon they get and what-fucking-ever.

Student: "I can't wait to finish college and get a job!"

Other Student: "Yeah! We'll open the garage doors to a lucrative CAR-eer!"
By Carol
Eeh Eer
A chain of sounds made in the song ''The Box'' by rapper Roddy Rich. Also the sound you hear after a drive-by due to the driver attempting to get the hell outta the scene.

''Bruh, we gotta EEH EER the hell outta here before the popo arrive!"
By Bernardina
You will die with a virus 🦠🙄🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠

Heck no she died with eers
By Quinta
This means that you are part of the E fandom and that you support the letter e.

Gosh this girl is getting so much Es in math, she must really be an eer
By Tabitha