Define Frido Meaning


you: "Dude, that game was tight last night" me: "frido"
By Tawnya

By Hailee
A wanna-be Guido. Anybody with the hair, the sunglasses the pants, the fake tan etc. but doesn't live anywhere near North Jersey or Staten Island. This especially comes into play with a "guido" who is not actually Italian.

By Gilli
the name of a slob that is in love with alex martinez but she won’t admit it. She also can fart up a storm if triggered by many bean burritos and SHES not afraid to let it RIPPPPP.

do you smell that?
Ew! Yeah I do it MUST OF been frido
Yeah it has her signature burrito smell
By Neille
frido coming from the chips u eat meaning a cheesy italian

antonio banta is a frido
By Benita