Define Give It Shit Meaning

Give A Shit

Does Dubya give a shit about anything other than Iraqi oil? I doubt it.
By Gelya
Giving A Shit

I've stopped giving a shit about Luke.
By Jo-Ann
Not Giving A Shit
Not giving a shit has to do with the level of care given. Not to be confused with "not giving a fuck" see that definition. Not giving a shit means that you literally don't care enough to take action.
For example, Dillon may not want to go to work today. If he doesn't give a fuck, he will still go, but be filled with apathy. If he doesn't give a shit, then he won't bother showing up.

The kitchen staff are not giving a shit anymore so they don't do their fucking cleaning duties.
By Drucy
Give A Shit

I give A Shit, and all I get is shit from you.
By Alejandrina
Give It Shit
When one decides to abandon all respect and compassion for something or someone and inhibits forceful behavior upon whatever that may be generally resulting in a bad outcome and often damage.

- Hey Todd? My car seems to be overheating...

- Aaaah it'll be fine! Just "give it shit"!!!
By Marget
Give A Shit

By Lula
Give A Shit!
Do your best in whatever you do, especially when no one is around, and don’t expect anything in return for your good deeds—live as if it is your last day on earth.

If only more people’s mantra were “Give a shit!” regardless whether their boss likes them or not, or whether they’re fairly being treated, heaven would be overcrowded.
By Roxy
Don’t Give A Shit
It means that you are not interested in or worried about something or someone; that you place no value on something, an event or a person; that you do not care and are uninterested. It means that you place less value on it than you do on a turd, says it all really.

Malcolm had a hissy fit when he found out he wasn’t invited to your birthday bash.”
“I don’t give a shit.”
By Shelby
Charlie Give A Shit
A person (man or woman) who pretends to care only when it benefits his or her agenda. A phrase to describe an insincere, sociopathic person who furthers their cause using fake or false concern.

"You can't slack off all day at work and then get all Charlie give a shit when the boss comes around"

That dude could care less about this company until our investor comes around and then he's fucking Charlie Give A Shit
By Petronilla
Don't Give A Shit
Meaning don't care or does not want to give a shit

Guy1: hey I broke the xbox1
Guy2: I really don't give a shit
By Amalie