Define Grumble Meaning

A contracted form of the Cockney rhyming slang 'grumble and grunt'. I refers in an unsavoury way to an eligible female.

You may not like it but it's out there as part of our urban linguistic culture.
Certainly in use in the 1960's

"I'm going out on Friday night to pull a bit of grumble".
By Aprilette
Pornographic materials such as magazines, internet sites or videos

Anders: Where's Warby?
Merrell: Oh he's upstairs on the computer looking at grumble
By Christel
Hunched over, kleenex in one hand, cock in the other. Adopting a similar position to a grumbling old man

"Wheres Steve?"
"Oh, hes upstairs having a quick grumble before we go out"
"He's allways fucking grumbling"
By Catlee
Interjection. Can be used anywhere, assuming the user is a badass like me.

By Petra
A noise made when displeased, also a brand of cake.

"Grumble, you ate my Grumble Cake."
By Allissa
Generally a girlfriend but then, all women "grumble". Therefore they are "grumble".
You can get high grade and low grade grumble.
Low grade grumble being dirty scallies...

"Goin' out to get me some grumble tonight mate."
By Ciel
The act of simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard whilst playing Bubble Trouble (on Miniclip). Usually appears to be a swift back and forth motion or sliding dance.

kid1: dude quit doing the grumble and play the game!!!
kid2: but you totally stole all my bubbles!
By Tersina
a very unattactive, usu. overweight female. Chicago slang

That fool James brought just one fine girl and 3 grumbles to the party.
By Myranda
Grumble Grumble
Usually said when one feels annoyed or frusturated

"I totally failed that test! Grumble grumble..."
By Theodosia
Grumble Grumble
A saying spoken by someone who is discontent.

A - What's going on, B?
B - Grumble grumble.
A - I get it, I'll leave you alone.
By Clarisse