Define Gull Meaning

The word said by Chen in EXO-M's song "What is Love" he was really supposed to say girl, like D.O did. But, instead it came out as "gull"

"Gull... I can't explain what I feel"
By Myrah
1. an expression meant to invite approval, overexcitement and comedic merit in the "masculine tense"

2. see also "yull" in the "feminine tense"

"This meerkat seems to be in trouble. Let me take out my magnifier. GULLLLLLL!"

"I'm a little kid gull."
By Christean

as you're walking by a hottie after first period, you turn to your friends and proclaim, "GULL!"

yea i think i might go out with her, she's gull right?

"are you going to the spot 2mr morning?"
By Kaila
verb: to talk or trick someone into doing something foolish or rash.

Related to "gullible".

We gulled Jackie into lending us her dad's car "for an hour" -- now we have a ride for the weekend, dude!
By Sallie
One who, uninvited, picks at morsels of food from the plates of others dining with him or near him

"The Gull always takes my fries. Buy your own fries, Gull"

"Brendan, you gull"
By Queenie
Dome or the act of giving dome

That was some dope gull
Gull me now bitch
I gull everything around me
By Daveta
guts, honor, strength, integrity, power.

That soldier has a lot of gull for running into the room and single handedly killing the entire enemy squad by himself.
By Joell
A) female hanger ons or groupies.
B) girls from the local neighbourhood
C) "down ass chick"

have you seen my gull around?
By Beatrisa
A person who never pays for food but is constantly eating others food and/or raiding the refrigerator.

"Someone gulled my food from last day."
By Trista
practised at dogging venues. The audience that is watching the participants 'dogging' in a vehicle masturbate, having achieved ejaculation collect thier result in hand and flick it on the 'doggers'

elliott wrote ' gulling is addictive, it ruined my life. I lost my job, my wife, my house, all thanks to becoming Gullman"
By Eirena