Define Gumbi Meaning

A cool green guy from an old 'claymation' TV show. He is made of clay.

"Oh no, Gumby! We have to save him!"
By Tabbatha
Someone with little or no co-ordination or common sense and lacks any talent or potential to do anything but fuck everything up.

i cant believe you just destroyed all life on earth. all i asked you do was flush the toilet! your such a gumby!
By Jaime

My manager put the spoons in the holder wrong- Again! He's such a flipping gumby!!!
By Maybelle
This is a phrase that's become common in the London skating scene, and generally refers to new skaters who don't yet have much in the way of skating skills. Howvever, it's still possible for experienced skaters to make gumbie-esque mistakes too.

Despite the fact that he's been skating for 6 months now, he still skates like a total gumbie.
By Prudi
someone or something abnormal, uncoodernated and silly. probably incabable of doing simple actions like thorwing a ball or just walking without making a fool of themsleves.

walking into a wall and then appolagising to the wall
tripping over nothing but air
falling up the stairs
thinking emus are soon going to take over the world
in reaction to any of these happening onlookers would say: what a gumby!
By Alma
a tall squared and slanted haircut (from the name of a character who has such a shape of head)

By Laurice
A person that walks around thinking they are a bad ass, while really they just look stupid. An ugly/goofy looking person. A word for non-athletes that think highly of themselves; this word is commonly used among college athletes who see people trying to impress people with their "athleticism". Basically, it is a term for people who are just downright goofy in general.

Who was the gumby you were with last night? That dude should never be around a girl like you!
By Mariam
A stage for the male penis in between a soft limpless penis and a rock hard one. It doesnt stick straight out and flops around like the t.v. character gumpy. Therefore it shall be gumby.

I am so glad that my boner went away during gym class, the only thing i had was a gumby which isn't too bad.
By Gwyn

"Hey cool gumby. It totally fits you."

By Janka
Gumby is a another word/reference used for marijuana. Due to ones own personal pleasure of his/her marijuana, you would refer to your weed as Gumby due to its high quality.

Let's go pick up some gumby tonight.
All we about to do is smoke that gumby.
By Kaycee