Define James Buchanan Meaning

James Buchanan
The worst American President ever, serving from 1857-1861, and that's saying something when you have George W. Bush, Warren G. Harding and Franklin Pierce. Seven states succeeded from the Union under his Presidency. His excuse for inaction was: I do not have the constitutional authority to do anything.

(1860 Boston)

Niall: Seamus, did ya hear that South Carolina has left the Union?

Seamus: Aye, tis a major problem, what is James Buchanan doing about it?

Niall: He says he doesn't have the constitutional authority to send troops!

Seamus: Boy, that Buchanan is really fucking up!
By Haily
James Buchanan
The 15th president of the United States of America. He was mostly known for creating gravity, WiFi and wawa. It was also rumored that he did 9/11. He participates in gains at planet fitness with Asher.

No one’s cooler then James Buchanan, except Chris Packer!
By Legra
James Buchanan
One of 44 presidents (as of early January 2020) who has never allowed the Capitol building to be breached.

Donald Trump is worse than James Buchanan. Trump is the worst president ever.
By Malinda
James Buchanan
The worst president in American history, bar none. Yes, worse than him. And him. And him.

James Buchanan's presidency was a dumpster fire that no president should ever be able to top.
By Jacky
James Buchanan Barnes
A.K.A Bucky, he and Steve Rogers were childhood friends before (spoiler alert) Bucky was turned into the Winter Soldier and had his memory erased.

James Buchanan Barnes iis my gay lil baby hurt him & I'll kill you.
By Merle