n: A man with a long, thick penis, a freshly
shorn scrotum, and the ability to maintain a granite-like erection for long periods of time. He is also attractive, funny, and brilliant. A little known aspect of
a joe is the unparallelled ability to grill various
Hot Girl 1: What's wrong with you? You have a stomach ache? And you are sitting kind of funny, like crooked.
Hot Girl 2: No, I had a date last night with this attractive, funny, and
brillant guy who grilled the best meat I've ever had. I should have known, he turned out to be a joe. I tried to blow him, but he ended up
jackhammering the bottom of my vagina for 3 and a half hours. Just wrecked it, I could fit a baseball bat in there when he was done. I'm SO sore today. I finally asked him what I had to do to make him cum. So that's why I'm sitting funny.
Hot Girl 1: You had to let him
PIIYB, huh? Ouch. You happen to have his number?