Define Journaling Meaning

a hobby that is a cross between scrapbooking, journal writing, collaging, and in many instances, sketching. not to be confused with online journaling, this sort of journaling refers to the type that results in a tangible notebook of images and words that creatively depict ideas and events in an individual's life.

Catherine: Why the hell is Lily writing and pasting images into that notebook on a Saturday night? Doesn't she have anything better to do than homework?
Susie: She's journaling.
Catherine: oh.
By Winifred

Frequently used to describe the act of writing in an online, public journal (blog, livejournal, diaryland, etc).

I've been journaling for two years now.
By Mariellen
hacktivism, perpetrated most often by progressive cheerleaders disguising themselves as journalists

The New York Times is great at journalisming
By Lexie
a place to write ones thoughts.

By Kim
v. The act of publishing what multinational corporations want us to know.

Ah, more news that doesn't talk at all about corruption or the real issues facing America. Good, good, this is the best Journalism money could buy!
By Mandi
the art of making up a story with something that sounds like a premise but isn't, and then spending the entire time writing about how your unfounded premise would play out, if it had any basis

Boy, those Gawker folks are awfully good at journalism.
By Kassandra
A moment or an experience that you are able to journal about.

A meeting with an irate parent would be a journalable moment.
By Roana
In French: "Journal" means newspaper.

Hier j'ai lu le journal
I read the newspaper yesterday.
By Rois
The art of expunging all of the art in writing.

For perfect examples of how journalism undermines art, see the guidelines listed in the AP Associated Press Stylebook.
By Rita
The default career path for those on the shallower end of the gene pool.

Person A: β€œSo what do you do for a living?”
Person B: β€œOh, I do journalism.”
Person A: β€œNice...”
By Honor