Define Kenny Loggins Meaning

Kenny Loggins
The collective name for both a user name and password for any sort of account you have to "log in" to.

Hey man I wanna watch a movie, what's your mom's Kenny Loggins for Netflix?
By Elna
Kenny Loggins
Returning to Pooh Corner while riding on the horses, yea-yea.

If you fall I'll pick you up, pick you up (Kenny Loggins style).
By Rachel
Kenny Loggins Disorder
The sudden onset of singing Footloose in a public place

I have Kenny Loggins disorder " 7/11 Cashier " whats that ? " Me ' Its the wanting to just start singing Footloose..Ive had it since 2004
By Atalanta
Kenny Loggins Hot
This is a term used to describe extremely hot temperatures, usually anything above 100 degrees farenheit. In the 80's, Kenny and his band came out with the song "The Heat is On...On the street"

Dude, It's like Kenny Loggins hot out today!
By Venita
Doin A Kenny Loggins
Expelling solid log shaped excrement from the anus.

Doing a poo

Where’s Frank?

Frank ducked into the bathroom, he’s doin a Kenny loggins
By Jojo