A term of high respect and consolation used among (usually young) men. More personal and intense than simply bro. Likely arose as a logical reaction to young women referring to each other as queens.
An old school character from the Tekken series, he has been in every single one. It's that guy wearing a Jaguar Mask. He is a wrestler and is inspired by the Mexican Luchadores, with highflying techniques and power moves.
King is a handsome young man, who's very charming,smart, full of life and will one day marry someone's beautiful daughter, he will BE rich and live happily ever after
King has a big dick ..... omg I know
Awe that guy is a real lady pleaser
Wow King is smart
Dad I want to be like king when I get older
King with that fuck a nigga
By Jenn
a name for someone that is just the best he would be there for his girlfriend he would try to text her 24/7 he would make his girlfriend feel beautiful he would always stay up for his queen he