Define King Meaning

A term of high respect and consolation used among (usually young) men. More personal and intense than simply bro. Likely arose as a logical reaction to young women referring to each other as queens.

A: My girlfriend just dumped me.
B: Hang in there, king. It'll get better.
By Wenonah
A ruler of a country a Malesor.

Bitch1:Aint that the king?
Bitch2: No you gotta be a Malesor to become a king.
Bitch1: Oh aint that some shit.
By Betsey
a form of respect umongst peers, also can be seen as "everyone man is a king in his own right".

When someone greets you with king it's respect to reply back with king.

My comrade greeted me with... "peace king".
By Jacky

Omg king just tweeted bye
By Alessandra
adj.) (1) having or showing a generous nature (2) revealing a truly bad-ass nature

I just moved to Chicago, and my friend invited me to Thanksgiving dinner. That was so totally king.
By Merola
The one all the girl's love, The man all the girls want to have a baby with.
Body on point, booty on point, you just want to fuck him.

fuck me king
By Tabbitha
one of the most extraodinary things ever beknownst to the human eye.

ewww that tre flip was sooo king
By Elizabet
An old school character from the Tekken series, he has been in every single one. It's that guy wearing a Jaguar Mask. He is a wrestler and is inspired by the Mexican Luchadores, with highflying techniques and power moves.

Kings Rolling Death Cradle is pretty damn tight
By Lisha
King is a handsome young man, who's very charming,smart, full of life and will one day marry someone's beautiful daughter, he will BE rich and live happily ever after

King has a big dick ..... omg I know
Awe that guy is a real lady pleaser

Wow King is smart
Dad I want to be like king when I get older

King with that fuck a nigga
By Jenn
a name for someone that is just the best he would be there for his girlfriend he would try to text her 24/7 he would make his girlfriend feel beautiful he would always stay up for his queen he

girlfriend: uh i'm ugly

boyfriend: your beautiful baby

girlfriend: aww thanks my king

boyfriend: any time my queen
By Chloe