Define Lee's Meaning

Lee Lee
someone who is amazing and needs to have higher self esteem because she is a gorgeous girl. lee lee is a nickname for someone named karly. Karly is a name that applies to a female that guys are obssesed with. Lee lee is a wild random person, that loves making awkward moments. others tend to hate this but continue to love her anyways cause she is that beautiful and kind.

boy 1: damn lee lee is the best girl ever
boy 2: i know right any guy is lucky to talk to her
boy 1:yea i know dude but i heard shell talk to anyone lets try it
boy 2:anything to talk to that sexy beast
By Myrta
Lee Lee
a nickname for those with names relating to the sound of LEEEEEEE

and what a sweet sound it is

can also be used to describe a clingy person.. like a leach..

Etc Etccc

That person is such a leelee. GAWWWD
By Ediva
Lee Lee
She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She’s a dark skinned queen. There is only one perfect Lee Lee in the world.

I’m so happy I met you Lee Lee.your perfect.
By Harriot
A Lee-Lee is a human thing that when you give her/him sugar and caffeine type substances they become uberly hyper and begin to bounce off the walls. Pepsi is one of the main causes to trigger a Lee-Lee into a stage of hyperness.

Oh look there's a Lee-Lee thing
By Dara

Lee is a hard trying, never giving up, strong man who takes first care of others before he looks at himself.

Lee is also a sweet, funny, smart, attractive, adorable man who can be shy some times but when you got to know him longer he will blow you away. He loves to travel, go on new adventures, making new memories and making people happy. Lee has a big heart and needs someone to share it with.

Lee may not always like to talk about how he feels to very many but few people get the chance to see what's behind his closed doors.
He forgets how special he is and at times feels worthless. He's very protective of the ones she loves and cares for. He will make your day and will always have you smiling or laughing. He is also one that can change your emotions in seconds.

Lee has trouble processing his past and when it comes to problems he keeps them to himself, he prefers to keep them to himself and not have anyone worry about him.

Lee's are great kissers and have quite a dirty mind. And standing open to try new things.

Things he likes more are : Action, drank, food, romantic nights, late nights walks, sports, cooking, pizza, green,

singing under the shower, dancing, doing stupid things, going out, trying new stuff, cute dates and looking good.

Things he dislikes are : fake people, attention hoes, people who ruin your moods.

things a lee says :

Lee : " I'm not leaving your ass."

aslo him

Lee : "Your hurt, I'm hurt. You die, I die. "
By Torie
The absolute love of my life.

Someone who is my missing puzzle piece.

The only one for me.

"Nek minnit I met Lee and my future was him"
By Hildagard
a man that is hard-working, dedicated, considerate, outgoing, loving and attractive. He is often the leader of the group. However, he is never bossy. He always listens to the concerns of his followers. He works hard to get where he wants to be even if at times it may seem like where he wants to be in no where in sight. He still sticks with his dreams and goal. When he loves someone he truly loves them. He would do anything for the people he loves. He is the hottest guy in the room and everyone notices. He really is considered a great guy.

I wish i was a lee.
By Karlen
A man who has such a big penis work pants and skinny jeans don’t fit him.

When HR asked that Lee to explain why he had to wear sweats to work he was forced to say, “because of this damn thing.”
By Cornelia
Loyal, huge hearted, funny, romantic, honest, loving, will do anything for you, strong, smart, sexy, beast of a man.he doesn't cheat, or beat his girl up, always doing his best to build her up, helping her obtain her independence, self esteem, making her a better person everyday than she was the day before. Wants what is best.

Has been through hell in his life many times, so good luck trying to break him. Hes already been there before. In a much darker shade than you can ever imagine. He is the storm. He has his own demons he battles day in and day out. So anything anyone else throws at him is nothing. Hes very grounded, stable person. Doesnt let his anger take over control of his actions. He can seem cold and distant. Which is true, because of his time in his own darkness. Many years. But he is also a very loving caring and warm person. Bringing light to the worlds darkest corners and persons.

Betray his trust and you'll never get it back no matter what you try. You are a ghost to him. Hes a great friend, youll never have a friend like him again. Be honest, loyal, respectful and genuine with him. He can understand just about any situation and will go through any circumstance with you. Or He will figure it out on his own too if he is single, he doesnt have to have a woman in his life to have purpose, or complete his mission. Youll regret losing him

Person 1 Do you know lee?

Person 2 yeah, i do hes a solid guy. Hes always had my back and helped me when i got in a jam...

Girl 1 so your with Lee?

Girl 2 Yes! Omg! Hes so good to me. Hes the one, forever!

Girl 3 You better keep him girl. Cause if you don't youll regret it everyday for the rest of your life.
By Lethia
Lee is a synonym for the most amazing person you will ever meet in your life. Lee is sweet, caring, nice, funny, fun to be with, adorable, amazing, and flawless in every single way. Lee is the kind of guy that you just want to be around. Lee's smile is mind-blowing, and guaranteed to make your heart skip a beat. When Lee walks into your life, you will never, ever want him to leave. Lee is the kind of guy whose personality you will instantly fall in love with. Lee's amazing good looks are just a bonus. It is definitely good to have Lee as a friend, as he will stick by your side through everything. If you're lucky enough to have Lee as your boyfriend, you should love him and never let go. Like I do.

When Lee walked into my life, he changed everything.
By Kathryne