Define Macintrash Meaning

A noun describing what all computers put out by apple are.

The CD drive on my macintrash broke.

God damn piece of macintrash!
By Ruthe
What all Macintosh computers are called by the more educated members of society.

"You want me to write a virus for a Macintosh? The reason Macintosh never gets any viruses is because nobody gives a shit about that Macintrash."
By Emili
Term used to describe a computer made from inferior hardware jammed into a shiny case and made by Apple. It is often used by people who either are too stupid to figure out installing antivirus software or think that they are "sophisticated" by using a computer built by a bunch of fags in California.

Man I feel like an idiot for buying a Macintrash! I could have bought a computer with better specs for half the price, but I'm a sucker for getting anally poned by Apple
By Misha
Where all Macs should be.

I'll put that Macintrash.
By Ailyn
A more descriptive name for the slow, powerless, and overpriced Apple Macintosh.

Finally, the G5 Macintrash is out! But even after numerous manipulation of the benchmark, the SP_INT test still shows that G5 is slower than a Dell!
By Nadiya
The name of the computer made by the most hated computer company in the world.

"I hate my macintosh. Let's use it as a boat anchor!"
By Halette
A word that best describes a Mac or Macintosh "computer" because they are not good and suck. A Mac that belongs in the Trash thus, Mac In Trash.

That isn't a computer, it's a Macintrash!
By Georgena
Sophmoric term used by PC Nerds and IT geeks who feel threatened by the simplicity and sophisticated industrial design of products created by Apple Computer.
The term "Macintrash" itself is a byproduct of the insular lifestyle that the socially inept computer nerd lives; Who never had any real friends to talk with and thus only speaks the kind of adolescent jargon encountered on geeky online bulletin boards.

That Macintrash/crapintosh paperweight is for litle sissy girls. ROLF.LMAO.
Crapple sure makes some whack-ass confusers yo. That icrap is igay dude. ROLF.
DeLl rUleS 4EvuH--miCRosOFt iN Duh hOUsE bRo!!!!: o:)
By Brigida
noun - PC rhetoric illustrating the incompetence of Windows users and their inability to realize the fact that their operating system is inherrently flawed and vastly inferior to the wordMacintosh/word

By Maxi
What dumbass Windows users (er, Losers) call a MacIntosh.

Ever notice how they always use MacIntoshes in all the movies? Maybe there IS a reason why these actors make eight figures! They didn't get rich by considering them Macintrashes!
By Ortensia