Define Mexican Meaning


By Aurel
the location of possibly the hottest pilgrims for world youth day, the people who australian pilgrim wanted to know

oz pilgrim1: hey did you see those mexicans?

oz pilgrim2: yeh, i know where im going after the HSC
By Georgianne
A person who was born in mexico

My friend is mexican, i'll go to mexico to visit him soon...
Mexico rulezz.
By Loise
A person who was born in Mexico or has parents who were, no matter their current citizenship.

Tommy was born in Cancun, Mexico, he is mexican.
By Tallia
A Mexican is a person from Mexico, the only country south of the USA border (unless you count parts of Canada being under Alaska). It's a nationality and not a race. Mexicans can be of any race while most of them are a mix of Spanish and the Native people which explains why some Mexicans look like Native Americans.

Most Americans, including Mexican-Americans, are ignorant and think all hispanic people are Mexican and that all Mexicans are one race of people that spoke Spanish since the begining of time and before Christopher Colombus arrived. That obviously is not true.

That Mexican guy lives in Mexico and eats Mexican food.
By Marilyn
Word used by ignorant people to refer to the Spanish language.

Slow down Jorge, I can't understand you when you speak mexican.
By Kassia
a Mexican is a person who has mexican heritage or was born in Mexico. A Mexican is a Mexican when people call us hispanics, latinos, or chicanos we dont want to be rocognized as that because were MEXICAN. We are different cultures and place so to be recognized as MEXICAN is the way to go. Arriva Mexico!!

My parents are from Guanajuato, Mexico so they are Mexican.
By Bili
Someone hailing or claiming ancestry from Mexico.

"The damn Mexicans stole my tires again."
By Dana
1: A person of Mexican heritage.

2: What certain idiots call any Hispanic in the United States or Mexico. Note this is illogical, as there are Spanish people too, therefore identifying American bigotry and emphasizing it, in a way similar to calling Iraq the "Middle East."

Racist: "Go back to Mexico where you belong, Mexican!"
Response: "I'm from Spain."
Alternate Response: *ignores*
By Mil
The following are examples of outstanding mexican people:

Thalia, singer
RDB, rock band
George Lopez, comedian
Paulina Rubio, singer
Salma Hayek, actress
Luis Miguel, performer
Luis Mandoki, TV and film director
Lalo Alcaraz, cartoonist
Juan Gabriel, artist
Kuno Becker, actor
Demian Bichir, actor
Carmen Salinas, TV host

Are there any mexican chefs? There are certainly lots of cooks.
By Hulda