Define Monsters Meaning


By Evangelia
Plural form of monster
1. A creature or race of beings that do not conform with the ways of those who would call them monsters.
2. An entity not of this world, somthing that dosn't belong or exist in our relm, world, or plane.
3. A being that's sole purpos is to give experiance unto a party simply for the defeat of said monster(s)

By Chrysa

Look at the monsters on her, they cannae be real!
By Kellina
The Monster

he has the monster
By Lyndel
The art of abusing people. Of ambushing them with questions, following them with questions, hounding them with questions, driving them to their fucking graves with questions. It’s sort of being like a photographer, except no ones' killed any royalty doing it…yet.

"Those NAMBLA rights assholes are in town today, it's time for some Monstering. "
By Tiffie
To be rejected by someone romantically because all they see you as is a monster

Dude i got monstered by every chick at the club last night!
By Tiena
When two or more women in a household are synchronized with their menstrual cycles.

I have to get out of the house this weekend. My wife and daughter are monsterating.
By Katya
When a woman's time of the month makes her extremely grumpy/angry/hungry. Inspired by "Modern Family".

Luke: Did you see Alex cry about the commercial, then scream at me for not bringing her enough ice cream?
Phil: Yea she's totally monsterating right now, stay away.
By Amandie
A scary caffeinated drink that Mormon children are told to check their closets for before they go to bed.

Jimmy, if you're hiding Monster in there, you won't be allowed to participate in family game night for a week!
By Vania
A person who demonstrates skills beyond normal mastery, particularly in the field of music.

"Did you hear that guitar solo? That guy's a monster!"
By Claudetta