Define Nomenclature Meaning

Science: The ability to name all the elements and other molecules

Other: The extream knowledge of weapons, how they work, what rounds they use, how to use them, etc

Dave and Bob are watching a movie, a man with a gun shows up in the film

Dave: w00t check out that Heckler and Koch Usp.45 acp AWSOME
Bob: Holy crap, how did you know that?
Dave: nomenclature man...
By Carey
The opposite of the word yemen.

*Best when used in public or amongst educated friends when in an argument with a buddy.

Friend1: Let's go to the mall.
Friend2: Yeah.
Friend3: I don't want to.
Friend2: Yemen, let's go!
Friend3: Nomenclature... I'm tired.
By Cass
A women's physical assets - used especially when describing a large buttock area.

How's about we finish up for today and have a good old time juggling my nomenclature?
By Katharina
The act of choosing a name in the fancy schmancy science world. The definition is often used for biology. Sometimes imbeciles use it to sound smart.

The basics nomenclature was very interesting.
By Dusty
List of parts or tools needed for a particular job.

Dave's gay escort nomenclature consists of G-strings and little gold shorts.
By Jeane
extreme knowledge of wepons (especialy sniper wepons) and how they work

john is really skilled in the field of nomenclature
By Bathsheba
A severe state of homosexuality that is marked by misuse and mispronounciation of big words.

I'm afrais there's no cure for Dave's nomenclature.
By Dee Dee
Nomenclature refers to either a list of names and/or terms, or to the system of principles, procedures and terms related to naming - which is the assigning of a word or phrase to a particular object or property.The principles of naming vary from the relatively informal conventions of everyday speech to the internationally-agreed principles, rules and recommendations that govern the formation and use of the specialist terms used in scientific and other disciplines.

all information on the term Nomenclature given above
By Harmony
A sexually transmitted infection. It causes massive inflation and discolouration of male genitalia. 90% of cases lead to loss of genitals and death by strangulation by your lost genitals.

Dave!: Jack died last week.
Zak: How?
Dave!: Strangled by his own penis.
Zak: Yep that's nomenclature for you.
By Stacey
Bronomial Nomenclature
the formal method for the re-naming or acronymization of anything inappropriate that a bro or bros might say.


Tim: "Look at that hoe over there"
Dylan: "Bro, do you even consider bronomial nomenclature, its a fucking THOT you idiot."

HFFA - (Hot from far away) - "Damn that bitch was HFFA yo, but up close she be dayam ugly! "
By Ruperta