Define Ord Meaning


a- yo you tryna link
b- nah i got work
a- ord
By Bibbie
1. A place, sweet spot, or any patch of land.
2. A country
3. to hail from or originate in
4. a sharp, precise point of either land-spot or blade tip
directly from middle English (ord) first ednewed on the Anglish moot by English purists editors

Wiktionary claims dialectial modern usage lingers on in some parts of England.

From ye olde Anglish moot:

No one knows the ord of the name London given by the Romefolk (Romans), who in the year 43 named the ord Londinium.

The building of the Olympic ord has inflowed newbuilding in Eastlondon.

Food-Strings (spaghetti) ord from Midrike (China).

Tertiary (third-hand borowing) source wiktionary useage examples:

"Saul drew his sword, And ran even upon the ord. β€” Cursor Mundi."

"And touched him with the spear's ord. β€” Romance of Sir Otuel."
By Tamqrah
(1) Individual who mimics the language/actions/behavior of someone else because he lacks originality/creativity.
(2) Used to acknowledge emphatic agreement with someone.

(1) "Look at that douche. What an ord!"
(2) B : "I'd love to bang Naomi Watts."
P : "Ord!"
By Zara
To go in to the abandoned buildings on and around CSUMB

Hey bitch why don't you man up and go Ording with us
By Jessa
Opperationally Ready Date.

the day every Singaporean male remembers more than their birthday

the day that a Singapore servicemen in either the armed forces or police force completes his 2 years of compulsory service to the nation (NS).

often used in the term 'ORD LO' to describe the feeling of ending their service, and to mock servicemen who are still serving.

a: 2 more months before i ord
b: ORD LO!
By Bertine
A short way to say "oh aright” in baltimore
pronounced "o-r-ite”

Person 1: you a bitch
Person 2: wanna get shot?
Person 1:
Person 2: Ord best be qiuet.
By Cathi

By Beverlie
Term for exploring the abandoned buildings around CSU Monterey Bay. Usually done at night.

T- Dude, want to go Ording in the old crematorium?
J- no way it's haunted!
By Shawn
Obsessive Rating Disorder, when a person deliberately rates something up or down to round the number to the nearest 10.

Sue: Hey why did you rate that up, it was shit
Bob: it was on 599, i couldn't exactly leave it that way
Sue: Wow you should see a therapist about that ORD
By Loella
A shorter way of saying β€œOh ared” in Baltimore

Person 1: How you been?
Person 2: Good
Person 1: Ord
By Michelle