Define Pedaphile Meaning

Yet another way to misspell pedophile for the purpose of childishly defining someone as a pedophile and slipping it past UrbanDictionary editors.

Generally, people who write pedaphile really mean pedosexual.
By Roselle
a person with an obsession with children as sex objects. Overt acts, including taking sexally explicit photgraphs, moletsing children and exposing ones's genitalia to children.

Bob began taking nude pictures of the child next door and was then labeled as a pedaphile..
By Rosina

Jill looked up pictures of bare feet all day because she was a pedaphile.
By Phedra
Any individual who is interested in establishing a mutual sexual relationship with a person who is of a physically younger age.

The World Health Organization defines adolescence as the period of life between 10 and 20 years of age. With this said any one who sexually interacts with some one else in this age range is in the "instinctual norm", if you well. Therefore the deviation into pedaphile begins when the 10’s & 20’s and the 30’s & 40’s engage in sexual activities. As you can see it is virtually impossible for anyone with a logical frame of mind to be apposed to the act of this definition!
By Carmina

Really, Mark? You spent all that time in med school, and now you draw the line above the ankle? Fucking pedaphile.
By Tillie
1. Somebody with an unhealthy interest in bicycles
2. A badly spelt pedophile

1. When I found those bike magazines under his bed I instantly knew he was a pedaphile
2. I can't spell so I always end up writing pedaphile.
By Benedikta
The technical term for a sneaker enthusiast, or sneakerhead

I like movies, which makes me a cinephile. John likes hi-fi sound, so he’s an audiophile. You’re into sneakers; you’re a pedaphile.
By Shani
Pedaphile Pineapple
a beast ass drink that consists of oceanspray cran-grape juice and cruzan pineapple rum

yo that pedaphile pineapple is the shizzle!
By Kelsy
contact made from a pedaphille or other sexual miscreant/sleeze usually circular motions or patting followed by heavy breathing

that guy gives candy for pedaphille-rubs at the playground
By Lisha
Pedaphile Civil Rights Movement
a movement that seeks to make sex between adults and teens and preteens etc. legal and uses the media to promote acceptance of pedaphiles and there life style.

By Alexandrina