Define Phit Meaning

A more enthusiastic version of the word "fit" to describe a member of the opposite sex. Not only are they "fit" they are really "fit" thus rendering them "Phit!!!!!!"

You are watching a music video when Beyonce comes on in a gold bikini. You say to your mates, "Phit!" They will understand what you mean.
By Liuka

Lol sorry had to go take a phit.
By Lindi
Originated on, now on, a member named MJSBossman punched a 12 year old boy at the movie theaters because he was being an annoying little prick, the term was coined by Bravo on Variations included PYITS, PMITS, PTITS etc

By Patrice
MJSBaldman punched a kid in the stomach at the movie theater, so Punch Him In Teh Stomach=PHITS, another variation is PYITS

If he doesn't shut his mouth, I'm gonna PHITS.
By Tessi
(intentionally spelled this way to differentiate from "fit") NOUN The opposite of a SHART. Expecting an epic poo but getting mostly gas instead.

Phonetic hybrid of the words "fart" and "shit".

I took a mad phit but I still feel better.
By Luce
When a really fit women or girl is seen on screen or in the real world a male must shout out with enphasis:

A scally bird walks by with a skirt the size of a belt and tits hanging out.

By Angele
Baby Phitted
this is a term you use to describe yourself when you're fitted while wearing baby phat clothing.

person 1: ooh, i cannot wait until the party on friday. ima be lookin baby phitted.
person 2: i heard that.
By Shandy