Define Phizzle Meaning

a hi-pitched sine-wave synth whistle popular with jazze pha and lil jon. c0mes from jazze phizzle whistle.

the phizzle makes that shit slump!
By Natty
A phizzle is any object or substance that a monkey picks out of another monkey's hair.

Dude, that monkey is totally eating that other monkey's phizzles.
By Lenna
derived from punker slut version of stating " Damn gurl you fine"

By Florrie
Phizzle comes from the english word telephone meaning phone

Cizzle izzle yizzle Yoizzle cizzle phizzle? foizzle shizzle mizzle nizzle
By Carrie
AAVE (African American Vernacular English) used often in place of words beginning with "ph" (i.e. Phillip, Philae, etc.)

Hey, Phizzle, what's goin' on?
By Cornelle
Jazze Phizzle Productshizzle
A word created by producer Jazze Pha that became annoying after it was used in every song he produced. It means "this is a Jazze Pha production". Made famous by Ciara's "1,2 Step".

This is, a Jazze Phizzle Productshizzle, MY NIZZLE!(the prrrrrrrincess is heeeere!!!)
By Rici
Jazze Phizzle Productizzle
birdmans thing he says
jazee phizzle productizzle ma nizzle

in the song "lets get down"(where bow wow is a fag) go listen
By Johnette