Define Pierogis Meaning

An amazing Polish/Slovik dish. Basically a Raviolli filled with potato,cheese,or any other assortment of fillings. Also it is usually boiled in water then fried in butter to taste extra awsome.

Chris : "Damn I could really go for some of my grandmas pierogis right about now"
By Ashlee

if jesus was stuffed with molten lava and tasted delicious when fried with onions.

person 1: man i'm really hungry
person 2: try this
person 1: it smells like happiness and angel giggles what is it
person 2: it's a pierogie
person 1: a what
person 2: it's jesus
person 2: just let it happen
By Micky
The yummiest food on earth. It's a Polish dish made from potato (cooked in some manner and mixed with whatever you like) wrapped in a wheat shell. Much like a ravioli or empanadilla, but oh so much better!

Mom, can we have pierogies and kielbasa for dinner?
By Kenna

Dealer: how much you want man?

Baller: 2 Pierogi!!!
By Chelsie
the Polish "raviolli"(thats the italian name for it) alot of Americans think that it's made with mainly potato stuffing. but to tell you the truth, only a dumbass would put potato in a potato based dough. Polish people from or in Poland make our pierogies with either sourkraut, meat, mushrooms, strawberries (with a sourcream mixed w/ sugar sauce) and other fillings like this. when you eat pierogie, don't eat it with potatoes.

mom made strawberry pierogie for dessert.
By Federica
Breast that are quite large/massive. The kind that make guys stand still and say, "DAMN . . ."

Holy shit man, check out the pierogies on that chick!`
By Kacey
Extremely large breasts. The kind that make guys go "DAMN . . ."

Man, look at that chick's pierogis. They are bouncin!
By Carolann
The Pierogi
When you put a boiled potato in a girl's vagina, then you mash it with your penis and top it off with your sour cream

My girl asked for The Pierogi, and I said just boil the potato, baby/.
By Debra
Fetus Pierogies
A delicious treat made by going to the nearest abortion clinic, rooting through the dumpster, grinding your spoils into a cheese-like consistency, and stuffing it into a circular piece of flattened dough. The dough is then folded over into a half circle, placed in a pot, and boiled in a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. The delicious fetus pierogies are then ingested by the people who made them, or the people who buy "Mrs. T's".

Dude, I just bought a huge box of fetus pierogies, wanna come over and ingest them with me?
By Corenda
Frozen Pierogi
When a Polish person misplaces their gag ball or bite stick and uses the only thing they can find in the freezer. Commonly used by gay pollocks during anal sex with large pieces of household appliances.

Tim wanted to play toaster oven anal pullout again but he swallowed the gag ball the last time they played. He suggested we could use a Frozen Pierogi. So John hit the freezer and tied some string to a pierogi. Not only did it do the trick but Tim had a delicious polish snack.
By Minny