Define Profile Pic Meaning

Profile Pic
When a picture is SO good, it is called a profile pic

By Pierette
Profile Pic Validation
When someone makes a picture you posted to Facebook their profile picture, and you feel validated.

Guy 1: Dude those pics from this weekend were awesome, I made one of them my Facebook Profile Picture.

Guy 2: Thanks for the Profile Pic Validation.
By Carol
Profile-Pic Insomniac
Someone that is constantly changing their profile picture on a social networking website such as Facebook or Twitter.

My sister is such a profile-pic insomniac. She changes her profile-pic 3 times a day.
By Clara
Pokemon Profile Pic December
The month in which everybody who's cool changes their profile picture on social networking sites to pictures of pokemon.

Person 1:Hey, why is everybody's profile pic on facebook a pokemon now?
Person 2:Haven't you heard? It's pokemon profile pic december!
By Cloe
Anime Profile Pic Energy
Someone who shares the same "qualities" as the average person who has an anime profile pic. the average people who have an anime profile picture have the shittiest takes on the internet, they spend most of their time arguing with others on social media about their opinions on subjects that are dumb/childish. their tactics of arguing consist of correcting the grammar of others, using the dryest roasts of all time, and blocking others after replying with a mediocre comeback to avoid the further invalidation of their argument.

I'm unfollowing Frankie, he reeks of Anime Profile Pic Energy.
By Shaina
Iceberg Profile Pic
When all her profile pictures are taken from up and to the right. Pictures are all taken from shoulders up.

What happened to that girl you met online ?

Turns out her I was looking at an iceberg profile pic the entire time, she almost broke the axle in my truck.
By Ronalda
Habitual Profile Pic Changer
One who changes their profile picture at least three times a week, or more.

I can't even keep up with liking her pics because she's such a habitual profile pic changer!
By Tessy
Ur Profile Pic, Anime Chick With Dick
In correlation with "ur mom gay" targets weebs. Makes then regret being born

Weeb: *insert anime girls name* is my waifu

Me: Ur profile pic, anime chick with dick

Weeb: *goes back in time to when his parents did it. Weebs mom gets mindcontroled to take a birth pill and prevents weebs birth*

Weeb then does not exist and disappears in a poof of smoke
By Fanechka