Define Took Meaning


damn got took."
By Xena
The repeated sound the nova gas tactical grenade makes as it comes into contact with and injures an opposing player on Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Gas out!

took, tooktook, took, took, took

Assist +40
By Morgan
(noun) a knit cap, a beanie

Hey, hoser, your took's crooked, eh?
By Bren

That girl looked took after she ate too much chocolate cake.
By Joanne
A word meaning fuck in the form of the word sex. Created by Roark Xanthos.

"Ay, took ya mutha, bitch!"
By Emiline
The canadian word for beanie. When said to a canadian person in America it could mean: dick face, fuck face, bitch, bastard, douche, dochebag, dick, prick, get the fuck out of America, and to have butt sex with a candian's mom.

I wore a took to school.
I tooked your mom
Hey you have a took face
Your like a big bag of tooks
Hey, took and go back to Canada
By Elmira
The act of being taken (away)
How you would act if told upsetting news
Getting ripped off
Past temse of steal

I was took by that statement

That bitch was cheating on me. I was took
when I found out

That nigga took all my weed

How'd ya get that shit yo. I took that shit
from this punk mua fucka down tha street.
Ya dig?
By Enrichetta
Really smart, kind, handsome looking guy. His name is unique in its own way and not many people on the planet have it. He has some of the best looking hair in all of man kind and people really enjoy being around him. Including girls. He usually gets the ladies because of his caring heart, kind soul, looks, and the fact that he’s brave and willing to do whatever it takes to keep a relationship in place.

Have you ever met Tooke? You should. He’s really hot... -ladies
By Demeter
to act foolishly, in a manner that one might think you are Crazy

I think that my Grandpa is Took!!
By Pearline
A word describing someone who is fat, arrogant and 1 sided. Is someone who can only see their point of view even if it is wrong.

Hitler is such a tooks
By Dulcy