Define Pto Meaning

"Paid Time Off"

How many PTO days do I get with this job
By Bathsheba
Please turn over, normally used on letters. Bit of an oldschool abbreviation.

By Freddie
Potential Tuck Opportunity

A place, area or spatial grounds that increase your likelihood of having sex with someone new.

*Tuck = Fuck*

Dude 1: What's your plan tonight?
Dude 2: Probably hitting the bars or this house party, not sure yet.

Dude 1: Dope, where exactly?
Dude 2: I don't care, anywhere that has the best PTO.
Dude 1: Fucking rights!
By Britney
PTO is what a dumb ass calls and thinks is an abervation for penalty overtime

I am going in to PTO after 8 hours today.
By Marissa
Pto Pneumonia
Pneumonia that happens suddenly when you no longer have PTO hours, but have sick days remaining. Can last for weeks at a time, however always sequential spawning from initial call out. Frequently occurring during peak times (winter holidays, football season, spring holidays, summer holidays)

They have been out sick for a while. Oh yeah, they have PTO Pneumonia.
By Demetria

U know Donald Trump be hittin that oing-ptoing.
By Starlin
If someone has ever said “PTO” to you it means, “Put them on.” Yup, now you know.

It could also mean “Play Time Over” or “Party Time Over.”

Alex: Yo, you should really pto James.

James: Nah that’s Kam’s girl.
Alex: Tru, Tru.
By Lise