Define Samm Meaning

another way to spell the popular name "sam" adding another m makes it cool & original

samm is the coolest chick ever.
By Marie-Ann
Samm is a lot of things. And is a cool girl who has style. She is a girl who is there for everyone to talk to and give advice at anytime. She is usually smart but doesn't like to pay attention in class. She is loved by many but also hated by many. She tries hard at anything she does. She is very athletic. Many people think she is pretty but she may have low-self esteem at times. If you date a Samm then you know she will stay loyal to only you. If a Samm falls in love then she falls hard. A Samm often gets very socially awkward without the intentions to.

cool Awesome samm

Girl 1: "Did u see that girl today? She was drop dead gorgeous."

Girl 2: "Must be a Samm."

Girl 3: "I hate her."

Girl 2: "How could u hate a Samm?!"

Girl 3: "I don't have a reason. She is just such a Samm!"
By Fleur
Samme is a fun loving, popular girl. She's a cheerleader, and in ASB. She's a little weird, but you'll never get bored around her. She's there for you whenever you need her, as long as you're on her good side. if you aren't, she'll talk shit about you without fear.

man, i wish i hadn't gotten in that fight with samme. now everyone hates me.
By Sonni
An alternative spelling of Sam (short for Samantha) that looks more feminine and interesting.

Samm is a really great girl.
By Bernice

Girl 1: Did you hear about how tiffany started that rumor about that girl? It was horribly mean!
Girl 2: Oh my god I heard that, shes such a samm. I hate her.
By Alvina
A bastardisation of "Damn" derived from a typo.

"Samm it!"

"...And God sammed them all to hell for their sins"
By Bette-Ann
Samm is the shortened form of the name Sammantha.
Some awesome people have parents that want their child to have a different more creative spelling of the name "Samantha" so they add and extra "m".
Therefore the people with this awesome and creative spelling have the right to shorten it to "Samm" which also has to m’s.
But the problem with this is that some ungrateful bitches with the original spelling of the name "Samantha" steal this originality by stealing the extra m and adding it to their name and pretending they came up with it in their little fucking retarded head.

By Theda
A girl who is in love with a boy called park chanyeol

Omg I love chanyeol just like Samm
By Agnes
A person you cannot trust, they will turn on you the second they get something better. They are the people who think that their friends are first but really they arent

person 1: "oh look Samme got in a fight with Thomas and She is saying it is his fault"
person 2"nope, just a Samme being a Samme."
By Deena
The Samm’s Sammich
The Samm’s Sammich is a sandwich that consists of Turkey, Roast Beef, Salami, Pepperoni, Ham, Grilled Chicken, Veggie Patty, Tuna, Meatballs and Fake Crab Meat. Rumored to have been created by legendary D-List actor Jermaine “Huggy” Hopkins. Huggy is also the creator of Huggy’s Huggies, an adult diaper brand.

Guy 1: I’m so hungry, I wish somebody had a sandwich with fake crab meat to satisfy my cravings.

Guy 2: Shit dawg, have The Samm’s Sammich!
By Antonetta