Define Schnoz Meaning

A person with an extremely large nose.

PHWOAHH!!, look at phils schnoz, its peekin like theres no tomorrow.
By Maisie

the jew had a huge schnoz
By Reggi
A Yidish word for a hudge nose. This is usally a size that is way beyond normal.

Dam did you see the schnoz on that girl Mara doesn't she know that air is free.

The Rosenfeld's all have big schnozes thats why they where accosted.
By Lucille
A monster who is composed by a head with an abnormally large nose and two legs.

The Schnoz has his grasses on.
By Kiersten
A humungoid nose that pretrudes profusely from the face.

Justin Horton has a huge schnoz.
By Ajay

Gunna bop you in the schnoz
By Shae
Ya know, schnoz this schnoz that.

Jim said, “Helga, WHY DID YOU SCHNOZ THE SCHNOZ?!?!”
By Evonne
An abnormally large nose that is very long and pointy. Someone with a schnoz should stand at least 50 feet away from someone or they might poke someone in the eye with that humongous ass nose. If you see a short kid with a long pointy Schnoz, then it is likely Cody.

Hey asshole, where did my cocaine go? Oh, Cody snorted up the cocaine with his huge ass Schnoz. That big nosed bastard!
By Talia
Proximate Schnoz
The selfish asshole who proudly refuses to wear a facemask during a pandemic. This person is culpable for spreading contagion among a population. A proximate schnoz will still expect sympathy when they catch covid, ebola, or similar plagues. We won't forget the proximate schnozs among us.

Yeah, Steve is real prick- the proximate schnoz of the office - he looks sweaty, bet the asshole has a fever. Motherfucker just sneezed, I'm out!
By Laina
Toucan Sam Schnoz

adrian brody got a toucan sam shnoz
By Ethelin