Define Script-kiddie Meaning

Script Kiddie
n. (Hacker Lingo) One who relies on premade exploit programs and files ("scripts") to conduct his hacking, and refuses to bother to learn how they work. The script kiddie flies in the face of all that the hacker subculture stands for - the pursuit of knowledge, respect for skills, and motivation to self-teach are just three of the hacker ideals that the script kiddie ignores. While anyone can be a script kiddie, generally they are teenagers who want the power of the hacker without the discipline or training involved. Obviously anyone who follows this route aspires to be a blackhat, but most refuse to even dignify them with this term; "blackhat" generally implies having skills of your own.

Other common terms for the ubiquitous script kiddie are lamer, llama, jackass, pre-pubescent ten-year-old, and of course the most unique, asshat.
By Edee
Script Kiddies
Term used to describe wannabe hackers who use other people's programs and methods to cause annoyance on the internet. They are scorned by real hackers, as their actions often give the hacker commmunity a bad name while serving no real purpose. Typical actions of a script kiddy (or script kiddie, it can be spelt either way) include defacing web sites, hacking forum accounts, and so on.

"A couple of script kiddies were messing around with the forums last night."
"Don't worry, most script kiddies grow out of it when they hit puberty."
By Gisela
Script Kiddie
Someone who desperately aspires to be considered a hacker, meanwhile possessing none of the required skills. Living in denial, these individuals will trick themselves as well as others into believing they are hackers. This type of person will use ready-coded exploits to gain unauthorized access to their target host. Script kiddies will often lie, brag, or over emphasize about their computer abilities. A common technique used by kiddies in an attempt to gain acceptance in the hacker culture is to steal source code and claim it as their own.

In general, the average script kiddie is aged 12-?? as anyone with a computer and the desire to become a hacker is capable of becoming one (script kiddie that is). While there are literally hundreds of thousands of script kiddies and wannabes out there, keep in mind that there are also a good chunk of true hackers as well, who are able to spot and exploit flaws in other people's code, write their own code, etc.. basically anyone who claims to be a hacker, isn't one. Unless of course they are asked by someone for their opinion based on their particular skill-set.

Script kiddies will use and abuse technology to get their name or childish online aliases known. ie. defacing websites through the use of shells, using publicly available exploits to compromise security, download trojans and/or viruses and "pwn" some victims, launch DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks, etc.. script kiddies are generally rejected by society and possess no social skills. There are so many things to be said here, but I think that sums them up for now.

Man.. you call yourself a hacker? Can you even code?
u better wathc out b4 i hack ur server
Good luck with that.
Oh really? That's why I've already contacted your ISP about your planned DDoS attack?

* Script Kiddie has quit (Quit: changing shitty underpants)

By Jillie
An inexperienced and unskilled "hacker" (see hacker) using pre-fabricated scripts in order to break into computer networks, hence he carries just enough knowledge to be considered dangerous, should he be successful, but often is a failure.

That guy thinks he's leet? the guy couldn't program a batch file. he's a script-kiddie!!
By Natasha
Script Kiddie
Someone who wants to be a hacker (or thinks they are) but lacks any serious technical expertise.

Nah, he's not a hacker. Just a lonely script kiddie.
By Elli
Script Kiddy
a person (usually a kid) who downloads their hack programs, and then uses the program to hack others. also, noobs who dont know how to write their own viruses. thus being awarded the insulting name of script kiddy.

that script kiddy tried to hax me with some guys program.
By Gabriella
Script Kiddies
people who are more motivated towards using hacking tools than they are understanding them

stfu! I 4m m4d l33t, 3y3 w1ll h4x0r j00!
h4w h4w h4w j00 h4v3 b33n 0wned!!!111
God damnit kid, you WinNuke me one more time...
By Margie
Script Kiddie
A True Fool. One to be looked down upon. They tend to use leet speak, but dont realize its true significance. They are usually 10-14 year old kids (or so) who think they are "1337 |-|4x0r5", but are really just trying to be cool.

They call themselves hackers (which is not the same as a cracker, a hacker is a programmer, a cracker is a person who breaks into computers), while they are neither hackers or crackers.

They use other peoples programs to do their simple "hacking", and usually end up getting caught.

Hackers are really cool people. Script kiddies are morons.

Hacker: I just wrote my 30th module for the Linux kernel! Linus Torvalds emails me every day, he loves my code!

Cracker: I just broke into the CIA's webpage and replaced all occurances of the president's name with "Mr. Dumbass", It's funny as hell!

Script Kiddie: j0, ph00! I ju57 stolezored me a b0rkified wind0ze 3.1 b0xor. It r0x0rz my s0x0rz. I wundr if it g0tz Linux on it? Whutz Linux anywayz?
By Mindy
Script Kiddie
A computer user usually in their teens that uses pre-made programs for cracking, phreaking and most other forms of electronic havoc. They have little to no hacking skills and usually use their progz for bad purposes.

God damn script kiddies. They give hackers a bad name.
By Karie
Script Kiddies
A normally pre-teen computer user that 'borrows' hacker programs to cause mischief. They do not understand how to make or use a true virus, but that's how they get their kicks/ Incapable of trying anything like 'red alert' or 'nimbda', they flock like vultures when a real worm opens up a hole in someone's security.

Bob: Script Kiddies attacked our board again.
Joe: Still got that trojan kicking around? I've got an IP tracker...
By Beth