Define Slove Meaning

Super-Love. Love so great that the word love cannot accurately describe it.

I slove you.
Superman doesn't love. He sloves.
By Nanci
SLove refers to love inside the online game "Second Life".

I'm in SLove with you, baby!
By Audy
super love. a word to use when love is not strong enough to explain what you feel. way stronger then love or any other word

i slove you
By Cornie

She slove over the stove all day, but still Mr. Tuntingtop looked rather displeased by his so called "Jam Pie."
By Veronika
Slove It
verb'' to see, smell, and love at one time while smoking marijuana.
2. to always feel a certain way mainly nostalgic.

EX.1 oh man this weed is fire im slovin it.
EX.2 remember that one time, oh yeah i slove it.
By Kip
Slutty love. slutty is better.

I slove you
slust-slutyy lust
slore-slutty whore
By Clary

By Emlynne
S’love-A universal systemized interest & pleasure with something

-Base Olympus Ye-

I slove how we break up again & again my love
By Guinna