Define Snowflaking Meaning

A very sensitive person. Someone who is easily hurt or offended by the statements or actions of others.

This has nothing to do with politics. Snowflakes can be liberal or conservative. Whether it is a compliment or an insult is a matter of opinion and depends on the context.

Don't criticize Jane for what she did. She's a snowflake and you'll only upset her.
By Essie
An individual who is easily triggered by holiday cups at Starbucks and other things that don't bother the rest of society.

Check out the angry snowflakes boycotting Starbucks over the cups again.
By Jacquie
A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, shouting, interrupting, threatening, assaulting, etc. They often live in an echo chamber of their own beliefs and surround themselves exclusively with people and opinions that agree with their own. This term is most often use to describe people left-leaning people, but can be applied both left and right wing people.

I told that snowflake that I respectfully disagree and had some questions, and she started screaming that I was a nazi.
John Doe saw that I agreed with Jane Doe on an issue, and he blocked me; I never knew he was so petty snowflake.
By Konstance
A flake that is mostly made of snow.

Many flakes of snow can be fashioned into a ball of snow,
A snowman is mostly made of snowflakes.
By Konstance
The act of using Logical Fallacies (e.g. Straw Man Arguments, False Equivalencies, etc.) to generate a perceived slight which is used by the author to manufacture personal outrage and mount a vitriolic defense against something they themselves invented. Often used on Social Media platforms and in online forums as a form of Trolling.

Also see: Snowflake, Attention-Whore

Actual Example:
Initial Comment: Imagine if all of this effort and passion resisting Equity policies was actually put toward creating a system that supported our BIPOC community.

SF Response: I don’t have to answer questions. Especially not to people who respond with racism. I’m just a racist apparently. Love tonight’s equity meeting. It showed just how racist this whole thing truly is.

Usage in a sentence: "Wow, did you catch her response? We were talking about racial equity and she just started snowflaking that everyone was calling her a racist because she was against it. Where the fuck did that come from?!
By Alane
A fucking sensitive ass bitch who doesn't know how to take one fucking joke. They make our generation look like a whole bunch of pussies and they also love to ruin people's lives by canceling or reporting them over a tiny joke. These people find EVERYRTHING offensive no matter what.

Karen is such a snowflake, she tried to cancel me over a knock-knock joke.
By Vivian
A flake of that white stuff that comes out of the sky in the winter.

A snowflake just landed on your nose.
By Johanna
A good looking male teenager who is rather skinny. Typically clean cut, wears preppy attire, extremely tan skin, perfect white smile, and very concerned with his appearance. Often they think highly of themselves and better than the people around them. Sometimes they are considered irritating or supercilious.

Hey, did you see that snowflaker?
By Edyth
An overly sensitive person that doesn't take criticism well.
Donald J Trump.

Trump is such a snowflake and cannot focus on his job because he is frustrated by the media diminishing his achievements.
By Elna
Thin-skinned, orange-hued man who gets offended easily and tweets about it at 3 AM. Term may also be used for his "alt-right" followers who believe in alternative facts and become offended when presented with documented reality.

"Those comedians are snowflakes if they don't like the tough policies I'm setting. They need to stop making fun of me. I'm going to tweet at 3 AM and tell them to apologize!"
By Poppy