Define Taiwan Meaning

taiwan is not part of the PRC china
PRC is china
Taiwan is taiwan
ROC is a false name applied to Taiwan by the KMTs still dreaming to take back China (KMT only says the work Taiwanese or Taiwan when it comes to election)
Chinese Taipei proves that Taiwan is not a part of China but rather unreconized internationally (or else you would have stuff like Canadian Quebec, American Virgin Islands XD)

By Ortensia
a friendly country that is under the threat by a country in the UN (china), how ironic

OMG WTF, so much for that "universal declaration of human rights" and peace-keeping and UN. It seems that UN is a laissez faire with more words than action.
By Fanya
An island off the coast of china. currently under the control of Republic of China, Taiwan. It lost it seat in the United Nation to the People's Republic of China; has no 'official' state relation with major countries(including USA) but in reality, almost every country has normalize tie with taiwan.

both china and taiwan are known to "buy" support for their cause from other countries with trade deals.

once regarded as one of the "asian tiger", it's tension with China causes foreign investor to fear over long term stablize and had somewhat pamper it's growth. Taiwan is well known as a producer of electronic; with major competitors come from China Proper and South Korea.

all the politic aside, Taiwan is a beautiful island of natural landscape.

It also used to be the midpoint for flight between Asean and USA, but newer planes make it possible to fly straight.

Taiwan remain a hotspot in Asia. It would be to the best interest of every country, that status quo is maintain.
By Fannie
Chinese territory. however, rogue u.s pupet regime. comprable to south korea, japan, singapore, israel, hong kong. oppressed by imperialism, and fascism. serves the interest of western multinational corporation. destabiliser of east Asia. in street lingo, taiwan is the uncle tom of China. they worship white people, go along with everything white people say, and are self defeating. they idolise the rich, and despise the poor. it's everything you don't want your province to be.

are you going to taiwan this summer? no. i like my freedom too much.
By Mildred
A small island south of the People's Republic of China that has been through a lot of turnmoil through its history. Throughout history, it has been controlled by the Europeans, China, and Japan.

Recently, due to the increasing popularity of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Taiwan has been pushing for independence. This is due to the corrupt and ineffective rule of the ruling KMT party that escaped from mainland China after the Communist Party took over China.

Taiwanese people are known to have a lot of national pride and are ardent in shoving down their "TAIWAN > CHINA omg I WANT TO FELLIATE TAIWAN!!11 CHINA sUx0rZ!!1". They also tend to look down on their mainland brothers when many of them came from the mainland at one time in the past.


Everyone Else: Dude... shut the fuck up and pass the gank.
By Tommi
Used to be a Province of China,an island where next to Fujian Province of China,most people are Han folks,including a big amount of Hakka-speaking and Minan-speaking Chinese,and some kinds of native minority.Now it has government,military and independent economic system as well,but not yet an independent country formally,Taiwan is still in the name of "Taiwan,A Republic of China's province",the Capital of Taiwan is Taiepi,has been the temporary capital of Republic of China since General Cheng Kai-shi's government has escaped to Taiwan.
The name of "Taiwan" was given by Ching Dynasty Chinese government,so it would be more patriotic to remove the name of "Taiwan" when it is going to be independent,for completely distinguish from China in both concept of history or nationalism.

Taiwan affair is the only thing which interrupt China's attention to the glorious fame again.
By Phelia
Taiwan is the diamond of Asia/Pacific Islands. Thought to be a ecnomic powerhouse and the most economically sound country in all of Asia of our time. The Chinese throughout time have considered Taiwan a rebel state. We say... shove it. Because of our status within the world, the US stations naval carriers and destroyers along the strait of Taiwan to make sure the Chinese dont get a little bold.

Student: Sir if you could describe Taiwan in one word ho-...
Teacher: Perfect
By Modestine
where the most friendly people are from.

By Alanna
A country I DO NOT wish to be united with China. I have gotten enough of the "Taiwan and China are like brothers" crap I have to say something at this point. "Chinese don't kill Chinese" was the line the communists kept repeating when the nationalists government tried to eliminate the threat. Ok, fine, the nationalists heard that and decided to let go--biggest mistake ever. A few years later the communists started to fight the nationalists, who ultimately fled to Taiwan. Oh, but that's not enough. Fifty years later when Taiwan has become an economical wonder they are here talking about *brothers* again! Sorry for me being skeptical, but I and perhaps MOST Taiwanese are not going to be stupid enough to fall for that.

The Chinese government should fix the starvation, illiteracy percentage, unequal property distribution, AIDS carriers, black government operations, human rights violations and communistic society first, then maybe Taiwan would consider an union.
By Yvonne
Not China. China seems to have a high degree of jealousy of Taiwan.

Taiwan is not China!
By Ilka