Define Transphobia Meaning

Discrimination against transgender people. This includes using derogatory slurs against transgender people, invalidating nonbinary people, intentionally misgendering someone (not using their preferred pronouns) or intentionally using their birth name if they have another preferred name. NOT the fear of transgender people.

Cisgender person: Uh yeah so I don't have anything against tr@nnnies or anything but like you have a d!ck, so you're a boy, so I'm gonna call you he
Transgender person: Uhhh that's kind of transphobic
Cisgender person: Uh no?? I said I wasn't transphobic. I know what transphobia is, it's the fear of trans people, and I'm not afraid of trans people, so??? Wow. Really rude. Like no wonder no one likes tr@nnies. You're really cisphobic
By Jaymee
Another definition/rant lol. Here's the rant xD:

Trans people/Non binary ain't gay. If they were gay then we already know that they would be attracted to men lol. I know transphobic people might not know about transgender people but to be honest their not gay; stop labeling them as gay; if you don't know anything about them then don't f**king make any comments, research it before you make an opinion on it you big Chad, After all you're on the internet u dumb*ss. Stop calling the people i love gay u Chad. Again i don't care about the likes/dislikes the only thing i care about is if people fully understand what i'm sitting here saying/typing on here; so if you wanna hate then i suggest you read the whole paragraph again u big Chad lol.

Me: Trans people are beautiful no matter what anyone says and no transpobic person is going to make me regret loving them and supporting LGBTQ+ people
Transphobia Dumbass: you mean gay people?
Me: no, you turd of an ass
Transphobia Dumbass: well i was not talking to you anol
Me:if you weren't talking to me then me and you wouldn't be having and arguement u transphobic Chad
Transphobia Dumbass: what does transpobia mean?
Me: what is this sex ed but LGBTQ? It's just what you are right know you're scared of trans ppl u dumbass
By Catina
The fear of getting into a car and it actually being a transformer, usually a decepticon

Yeah I do support transphobia you just never know when a that mustang is actually a decepticon
By Sharleen
An irrational negative response to transgender and intersex people, as well as other forms of gender-bending and gender non-conformity. Extreme cases may involve the belief that people with the above conditions are less than human. Often carries that assumption that gender is a natural, rather than learned, condition, and that biological sex is a discrete, immutable trait rather than a collection of characteristics. Related to homophobia.

A trans lady was attacked by a dude with an intense case of transphobia, who claimed that she was really a man and should have expected to be attacked since 'he' was wearing a dress. The newspaper that reported the attack was also transphobic, as they described the lady using her birth name and male pronouns, even though her name and sex have both been legally changed.
The transphobia permeating the media is a contributing factor to the 47% suicide rate among transgender youth.
By Ardine
An irrational negative response to transgender and intersex people, as well as other forms of gender-bending and gender non-conformity. Extreme cases may involve the belief that people with the above conditions are less than human. Often carries that assumption that gender is a natural, rather than learned, condition, and that biological sex is a discrete, immutable trait rather than a collection of characteristics. Related to homophobia.

A trans lady was attacked by a dude with an intense case of transphobia, who claimed that she was really a man and should have expected to be attacked since 'he' was wearing a dress. The newspaper that reported the attack was also transphobic, as they described the lady using her birth name and male pronouns, even though her name and sex have both been legally changed.

The transphobia permeating the media is a contributing factor to the 47% suicide rate among transgender youth.
By Mathilde
The quality of being transphobic, to treat people differently because they're transgender.

On realizing that the hot girl he picked up at the bar was actually a guy, Arthur had an outbreak of transphobia.
By Carolee
Transphobia Is Perfectly Natural
No it isn't.
Not even WHO (World Health Organization) thinks that being trans is a mental illness anymore.
If you still think blindly hating somebody just because they were born as something they had no controll over is "natural", then you might want to step either in your grave or back into that time machine you used to come here from the 50's.

Person A: "Transphobia is perfectly natural."
Person B: "You must be the kind of person to say 'I'm not racist, but...' before saying something very racist."
By Dianemarie
When a person does not accept another person's transgender identity. People who are transphobic can get a lot of hate and can lose friends as well.

Liz: Have you seen Tara at all?
Naomi: Actually, it isn't Tara anymore. He is a boy now and his name is Mark.
Liz: I want to see Tara! I don't care if she wants to be called Mark. Tara needs to accept her gender!
Naomi: Looks like you got some transphobia up your sleeve.
By Hollyanne