Define War Crimes Meaning

War Crimes
You average ignoramus will remember 3 facts about WW2:

- The Japs bombed Pearl Harbour
- Hitler killed 6 million jews
- The Allies won

I could ramble on for years about my WW2 knowledge as I've read hundreds of books by various authors - American, British, French, Chinese, Russian, German, Japanese... and one fact stands out from all - the victor dictates popular history, ie. that which is published in text books, general facts that people can recall etc. etc.

War crimes and atrocities were indeed committed by both Allied and Axis soldiers. The Allies won the war, therefore dictated popular history. Ever thought it strange that Allied troops "didn't" commit war crimes, and those that did were documented were only Russian? That's a combination of post war/Cold war propaganda. Most people never heard of British troops mercilessly gunning down French civilians who were looting dead Allied troops, or Americans executing Poles and Ukranians fighting for the Germans, Canadians executing German tank crews after fierce restistance at Caen, American Jews nailing captured German officers to barn doors and bayonetting them...

We all know what atrocities the Germans and Japanese committed and I am in no way saying they were distorted or made up... just know that Allied troops didn't exactly come home smelling of roses

396,000 Germans went missing after VE day
By Marris
War Crimes
Crimes committed during wartime, usually violating international law. Killing civilians, torture, etc. This other idiot is an anti-semite who is trying to justify the Holocaust. Probably a cross dressing Hitler worshipper with no brain and no dick

The german people committed the worst war crimes ever against millions of polish people, jews, russian soldiers, gypsies, those with disabilities, homosexuals, and eastern europeans during WWII
By Lou
War Crime
A term describing the smell of a restroom after sickness, or the air after flatulence occurs.

That was a real war crime. We're never going to Coldstone and Arby's in the same night again.
By Sadie
War Crime
See Unit 731, Bataan, Rape of Nanjing, Hamburg, Dresden

The lesser known and crueler ones of which were perpetrated by Japan, the United States, and Great Britain in WWII.
By Mel
War Crime
A war crime is when you do a crime that makes you war and cum

Mark:hey did you see that new Bella Delphene song

Matt:yeah that’s song was a war crime
By Grete
War Crimes
It's just that it's war crimes who doesn't do it

War crimes
By Viviene
War Crime
When hoarsing around at work, A co-worker gets hit really hard in the testicles to the point of incapacitation.

He is now in the bathroom puking from war crimes
By Lotty
War Crimes
A war crime is something you do when people aren't looking

The destination of war crimes: The Geneva convention more like the Geneva suggestion
By Doe
War Crime
Harsh looking skin blemishes- usually on the face.

Dude, you've been eating too much pizza again. Now you've got a big war crime on your face!
By Amandie
War Crime Against Humanity
A crime so horrible that not only is it a war crime, but also a crime against humanity.

"No, I have not committed any war crime against humanity"
- Obama probably
By Elwira