Define White Washing Meaning

White Washed
A term that Norman “Nick” likes to throw on the Ray Naker, not sure why but he keeps trying to blast Ray for being white washed and showing that he has more culture than Ray

Norman “Nick”: Yo Ray, watch this tik tok and tell me how many bollywood songs you recognize, I bet you don’t get more than 2 you white washed fuck
By Paulina
White Wash
Someone who is looked at as leaving behind or neglecting their culture and assimilating to a white, western culture.

By Candis
White Washed
An absurd, patronizing term used for non-white (usually black) people who don't fulfill their negative racial stereotypes. This term insultingly implies that one's ethnic identity is mutually exclusive to the lifestyle and respect that a white person can expect in his or her lifetime.

Ignorant D-bag: "Sarah's black and she speaks proper English and pays her bills on time, she's so white washed."
By Philomena
A non-white person who tries to act/appear white.

Latisha shops at Abercrombie & Fitch with Ruth. She is so white-washed!
By Mira
White Washed
A black person who lacks the characteristics associated with black people. In other words a black person who acts like a white person. Often caused by being raised in the suburbs.

Jamal was listening to Jack Johnson on his way to Starbucks, he is so white washed.
By Brittaney
White Washed
When someone who isn't white likes American (pop) culture. Usually used by people when they're shocked that one doesn't typically conform to their culture, like listening to music and watching movies in their native language.

Super Asian kid: You don't like Asian movies and songs?! You're so white washed!
Victim: Just because I'm Asian doesn't mean that I have to like the same thing as everyone else.
By Marje
White Wash
To disregard one's own culture is to be whitewashed. You do this in order to make way for a new culture. Just as you whitewash a wall to remove the original color, you then paint it a new color. White wash is to make way for something new.

The Irishman moved to Japan and became white washed and then adopted a new culture to him.
By Bettine
White Wash
when you take a bunch of snow in your hands, sneek up behind your friend and rub it all in his face while screaming "WHITE WASH!" over and over again.

i white washed matt yesterday while it was snowing out.
By Rosemonde
White Wash
a white wash is a person who acts white but racially isn't.

A black man who wears surfer or rocker clothing,listens to rock,punk and heavymetal
By Sandy
A Term givin to those who are themselves who do not fall under steretypes. Used mainly by the white community as a result to there superiority complex. Believing that they are so good that other races want to be just like them

A person who wants to be white, or a sell out

White boy: "Dude, your style and personality is so white-wash. You don't even listen to rap."

Black boy:"'dude'jazz, blues, and funk are real 'black' music you idiot."
By Jodi