Define 169 Meaning

assuming everyone knows what 69 is...1 is the guy watching

look up 69 for the example and then add 1 for the full example of 169.
By Dorine
when to people 69 and then a man stands awkwardly next to them and watches

awkard guy: "wtf man?! i wanted to 69 with her"
guy who got 69: "fuck you, and enjoy the fact that you could 169, fucking prick"
By Sayre
The most fearful number to those who know how to multiply and find square roots and believe in the 13 superstition.

13X13=169. The most feared number.
By Michaelina

I had a 169 with dead Aunt Sue
By Cecile
2 people doing the 69 act while another looks on

I was the prime in 169
By Polly

hey jim wana do the 169 sure lets get ann
By Sallyanne
When two people are 69ing and the gay guy puts his dick in between them and fucks them

Yeah I was 69ing my girl and some creep comes in and made it a 169
By Tricia
Rule 169
Rule 169

If it exists, there is a horror story or creepypasta made of it.

Alex: I love butterflies! ^-^

Vy: Geez I guess you haven't seen the Attack of the Eye Eating Butterflies yet...

Alex: Wtf that's a thing?!

Vy: Rule 169 dude...
By Henrietta
An SCP that is a part of the, you guessed it, SCP Universe.
Object class: Keter
SCP-169 Us a big ass snake monster thing hundreds of thousands of kilometers long. Therefore it is obviously unable to be contained.

Useless facts: Using Measurements from a blue whale, SCP-169 is 250,000 times the length of said blue whales. The average size of a blue whales' dick is 3 meters. 3 meters × 250,000 is 750km. That's is ONE BIG DICK. The volume of the nut that a blue whale splurges is 400 gallons. 400 × 250,000 is 100 million. This thing splurges the volume of 151 Olympic Swimming pools. Huh.

Because of its size, SCP-169 cannot and almost certainly will never be contained—no structure on Earth is large enough or strong enough to contain SCP-169. The location of SCP-169 is not precisely known, but imaging satellites and analyses of eccentricities in the Earth's orbit suggest SCP-169 is located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, possibly stretching around the tip of South America.
By Giacinta
Number 169
The number you should call when you have problems with sex.
Example: You want to bang a really horny chick , but you can't handle her.
Then you call 1-6-9.
The afro-american guy named Bobby will answer with whattzzzz uppp.
You tell him :" ey bobby, come on, fuck"

He will come to you in an instant and fuck your girl.
After some time you will get her back and you can finish her!

Guy A"ey bobby come on, fuck"
Bobby:" ok" *fucks her*
Guy A:" ohhh all right, now I am really stoned , I can finish her now!"

Bobby loves Anal.
By Jsandye