Define Alot Meaning

1. Illiterate spelling of a lot.

2. Broken keyboard way of spelling a lot.

1. i liek zmokn crak alot!1111111

2. Ispilledalotofcoffeeonmyspacebar.
By Reiko
A non-existent word in any language.
The most irritating spelling mistake ever.

A lot. It's two words.

People like to use this non-word "alot".
By Maurita
The retarded way to spell "a lot."

Alot is supposed to be two seperate words, you fucking moron! Take a fucking grammar class!
By Nolie
The modern alternative spelling of "a lot".

When asked by his editor why he always spelt alot as one word, Dave wrote back:

"See, you are a prisoner of the English language and I am a language pirate. You are the British with their stuffy coats and large boring navies and I am sailing the high seas of the language with my crew in a fast, nimble ship evading you at every moment plundering the language for the good of the reader and keeping the written sea free of your rules. I've hoisted my flag and given you my finger. Alot."
By Maryellen
A common way to spell "a lot" that lots of people don't know is incorrect.

Me: I have alot of friends
Grammar Nazi 1: You don't have *a lot of friends.
Grammar Nazi 2: You don't have *any friends.
By Ailyn
The misspelling of the term "a lot", commonly used by little kids that don't know how to spell.

Kid on Roblox: "Thats alot of damage."
Teen on Roblox: "You do mean 'a lot', right?"
Kid on Roblox: "NO ITS ALOT"
Teen on Roblox: "Learn English, kid."
By Coleen
Alot, contracting two words can save alot of time.
If I must spell Alot as "a lot" then you motherfuckers must spell Nobody "No body" and Anyone "Any one". Contraction conventions should be pretty universal. Its not retarded its lingual evolution.

Allot and alot have two different meanings.
By Katerina

"Alot of grammar Nazis are too dumb to make new words"
By Elke
A word that actually DOES exist, and any idiot who claims otherwise is "retarded."

By Lucy
The CORRECT form of the term meaning "a large amount" of something. "A lot" (as 2 words) means "a large empty piece of land" as in "a lot for used cars."

"I have alot of friends" means "I have a large number of friends," whereas "I have a lot of friends" means that your buddies are outside standing around in a big empty piece of land, looking like idiots!
By Pris