Define Child Birth Meaning

Child Birth
when you fall out ya mom
this happens when daddy bones mommy
without protection
9months later
and thats why u gotta
respect the ladies
your ass comes in 2 to the universe
oh yeah and mom will know pain
beyond boundries that a guy can

its happened u as well as every one
ask your mom on this ... or wife
on child birth
By Tine
Child Birth
When u succ ur bumhole so hard your partner gives birth through their nose.

Wow child birthat is great.
By Becki
Poster Child For Birth Control
A person who is a disgrace to society. Someone who embarrasses themselves and makes themselves look stupid time and time again. A person who does stupid things and makes no excuses for it.

Mike Rehmyer is the perfect poster child for birth control.
By Anya
Poster Child For Birth Control
the child that the put up on posters to make people say,"oh dear jebus! im going to start taking birth control so that doesn't end up poping out of me."

"you are the poster child for birth control."
By Kristi
Child Birth
Sexually transmitted ugliness

Its not being ugly, It's just Child Birth
By Mada