Define Condom Meaning

A very smart invention to decrease the population and sti's

1)no glove no love
2)don't be silly wrap you willy
3)don't be a fool wrap your tool
4)don't be a ding-dong cover you shling- shlong
5)dont be a wenis protect you penis
6)dont share your sperm over your worm
7)before you spank her cover your wanker
8)If theres gunna be affection cover your erection
9)if your gunna banger cover your wanger
10) There only a buck get one before you fuck
11) Dont be stupid wear a fuckin condom
By Ceil
A condom can protect against STI while having sex and can help you last longer. It also serves as a birth control but it is recommended to use another birth control in addition in case a condom breaks. Additional lubricant may be necessary to avoid breaking a condom. Some condoms are a bit thicker, which can improve security and stamina. If you have a casual partner, condoms can also be used for a blowjob to prevent STI. Usually condoms are already lubricated but there are condoms without lubricant in case the girl does not like lubricant for a blowjob. If you want to have a threesome but don't have female condoms, it is recommended to use one condom for each girl, to avoid sharing an STI between the 2 girls.

By Nesta
A dollar piece of plastic that stops babies and aids.

Yes, a miracle.

We have came up with a way to prevent aids and babies!

It ees called ze condom.
By Odele
The only rightful thing that can come between two lovers.

Last week, I went to the store and it was written below the package, "If you're not completely satisfied with the product, Happy father's day" - condoms.

By Katerina
A very thin latex sheath when fitted over a mans erect penis allows him to ejaculate in a womans vagina and not make her pregnant. Used by lovers to be able to fuck without making babies.

Darling I want to fuck tonight, but please wear a condom so I don't get pregnant.
By Jacquelin
The greatest invention. Ever.

I used a condom with him last night, so now I'm not going to have a baby or get a STI
By Yovonnda
If you cover his schlong youll never go wrong

that condom is my best friend
By Concordia
Something not likely to come in a family pack

Condom's don't come in family packs for a reason...
By Tybie
A light inexpensive piece of rubber that fits over the penis, designed for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and/or the prevention of impregnation, during sexual intercourse. Strongly recommended by health professionals everywhere, this unique invention has still become widely un-popular in Australia and America.
-see idiot

After a long night of slobbering over each other, Rick and Mary decided to go hard at it in the parklands. Condoms not being terribly trendy, Rick decided to continue without. Mary agreed and thought this was a smashing idea.
By Cleopatra
is a rubber baby preventer.
it usually goes on a penis.
not meant to be blown up as a balloon.
It catches all the white squirmy thingys so they dont go into the girl.
if you use it you will not create a tiny little baby, but if you dont use it you will get fat. and 9 months later you will find yourself in the hospital giving birth.
use a condom young men.

"put on the condom or your not touching me!"
By Cammi