Define Darl Meaning


By Dorelle
A person whom you love the most, more than anything in the whole entire world.

A person who deserves all your attention and affection
Someone you should dote on regularly and give plenty of care to.

A beautiful and lovable person who is also very kind.

By Amabelle
A darling is a person you really appreciate. Could be a great friend or a soon-to-be romantic partner.

Hey darling! I missed you.
By Hortense
A noun used to refer to a significant other.

And oh yeah, Zero Two says this word 188 times in Darling In the Franxx and I creamed my pants every single time she said it.

Hiro: I love you, Zero Two.

Zero Two: I feel the same. I love you too, Darling.
By Sande
A nickname you can call someone dear to you or someone who you care about.Darling is more commonly used for a loved one like a partner.

Have you seen where my darling is?
I love my darling with all my heart.
By Babbie
1) What a boy says to a girl he likes
2) What a girl says to a boy she likes
3) A term of endearment/ appreciation
4) See honey

Boy: Hey darling!
Girl: Drop dead.
By Henryetta
The most amazing type of woman in the world. Someone you truly adore and is always there to help you through rough times after you help her through hers. Its a mutual completely working relationship. You know someones your darling when you have never argued, or if you have, never about something serious. Also it is mandatory that Darlings have a good taste in music.

Sean: "Did you see that girl samantha, she has hella good taste in music"

Brandon: "Yeah, thats one of the reasons why shes my Darling"
By Delia
1. A cute pet name for your waifus.
2. The name Zero-Two gave Hiro based on a children's book. From the Anime Darling in the FranXX. Hiro obviously being the Darling in the show.

1. Hey Darling! Wanna go get some virtual coffee?
2. Oh Darling, run away with me!
By Lucienne
A word that being used lately to show your superiority over someone else in a discussion and mock the person you are having argument with.

Oh darling , it seems you have no clue
Darling you should really work on your logic it is flawed.
By Analiese
A sweetheart. A hubbie. A very close friend.

Lonely rivers aka unchained melody. oh.... my love... my darling... I hunger for your touch...
By Lana