Define Doppleganger Meaning

A person who looks so much like you that it's Eerie & Unbelieveable!!!!

I found my lookalike doppleganger on Twin Strangers~Amazing & they say Everyone has 7 dopplegangers!!
By Natassia
A misspelling of the German, "doppelganger", roughly translates as "evil twin". Can be used literally, as in example below.

"A man was falsely convicted of rape when his doppelganger went on a sexual crime spree. The mistaken identity led to his conviction."
By Rayshell
A being which has the ability to assume the exact shape of another life form. Usually tricky little bastards.

Nice try doppleganger!
By Minetta
A doppleganger is a shape changing monster who can feed upon another while taking his very identity. The doppleganger is a gangly Medium-size humanoid with slick skin and white eyes with no pupils.

The doppleganger's features twisted and formed until they took the features of its latest victim.
By Haleigh
What that parrot is NOT in relation to Brian Fellow.

No matter what he says, he is not my doppleganger!
By Karon
when two penises are placed into the same condom used to have intercourse with a woman.

Hey bro, lets doppleganger this bitch.
By Dorelle
An erection of some much magnitude that you can see your face in the shiny bell-end.

Wow, I got an unbelievable doppleganger when I went for my full body massage.
By Emmalee
someone who steals ones identity (anything from haircut, clothing, music, to complete poserdom.)

Dude that girl looks just like you...shes like king of the doppelgangers.
By Gussi
Another person that is exactly like you, that isn't you.

Touching your doppleganger may cause the end of the universe
By Rheta
a ghostly image or replica of your living self

By Cherri