Define Dumpster-diving Meaning

(verb) The act of entering garbage dumpsters, often those closest to stores and grocers, in the hopes of finding and procuring food and/or merchandise that has been thrown away by the businesses. Acquired items are then either consumed or resold for profit. Possibly illegal in some states, dumpster diving has been given a bad wrap because of some divers lack of decent, courteous etiquette (i.e. throwing trash out of the dumpster and then never putting it back in the dumpster when finished.

Sometimes D.I. and Tonya would hit the jackpot when they went dumpster-diving. Why one night D.I. acquired a leather coat that the slick little bastard resold for some three-figured amount. Though frowned upon by some, dumpster diving could pay off beaucoup on some evenings.
By Daria
Dumpster Diving
Got me a Dell 4300S, iMac G3, dell laser printer, Compaq Deskpro P2 400MHZ, SCSI optical drive, subwoofer, DV9000 I parted out, shitload of keyboards and mice

Me; Look what I found dumpster diving

Parents; what?

Me; iMac G3

Parents' bet it dosen't work

Me; I bet it does

Parents; Prove it works

*parents speechless
By Flory
Dumpster Dive
To search through dumpsters looking for good things that other people have thrown away. Usually done outside buisnesses.

Hey dude lets go dumpster dive outside best buy and Ultimate Electronics.
By Jocelyne
Dumpster Diving
Something that has brought me back a colour palm pilot, a 17" computer screen, several thousand packs of gum, weeks worth of food, office supplies for a year, porn movies, so many chocolate boxes that we had a hard time carying back on 2 skateboards, several computer parts (USB2 cards, Video Cards, etc.), and much more.

The best places to 'dive are suburbs, after Christmas, Valentine's day, and Easter. Office stores are ALWAYS loaded.
By Fidelity
Dumpster Diving
Dumpster diving is looking for treasure in someone else's trash. (A dumpster is a large trash container.) In the world of information technology, dumpster diving is a technique used to retrieve information that could be used to carry out an attack on a computer network. Dumpster diving isn't limited to searching through the trash for obvious treasures like access codes or passwords written down on sticky notes. Seemingly innocent information like a phone list, calendar, or organizational chart can be used to assist an attacker using social engineering techniques to gain access to the network.

I can't get in this bitch, lets go dumpster diving
By Isabelle
Dumpster Diving
looking through someone's trash to find something of interest. one man's trash is another man's treasure!

we went dumpster diving and found an old projection TV!
By Livvyy
Dumpster Diving
1) When you decide to go a a venue or social gathering of questionable merit, such as a party or bar, with the purpose/intention of making sexual advances on women (or men) on the bottom half of the aesthetics scale (IE:Rotund/Ugly/
Chubby/Unkempt/Annoying/Lazy Eyed people).

2) Going out with the intention of bringing someone home you would never introduce to you parents under any circumstances. This can also include, in addition to the criteria listed in (1), morally questionable individuals including but not limited to: sluts, whores, hard drug users, christians, vegans, scientologists, creationists, Mtn Dew Drinkers, people who self diagnose them selfs with attention deficit disorder (Like, OMG I am so ADD), people who wear UGG boots with skirts when its 70 degrees out (Fahrenheit, Celsius you would die), people who wear UGG boots period, bi-curious people and people who Majored in Business.

Andrew: Yo man what you doing this weekend?
Chris: Hey we should go to "Player's" and go dumpster diving!
Andrew" $100 if you go home with a 200 ponder.
Chris: *Thinks*
Chris: Fuck yes

Stu: I went dumpster diving last night and woke up with a hippo.
Andrew: You slept with your mom?
Stu: Fuck you
By Starlin
Dumpster Diving
The activity of looking through garbage to find useful items or food. Dumpster diving can be done anywhere there are dumpsters or garbage cans. Residential diving is usually done in a suburbs (but it's best done in rich neighborhoods). Retail diving is usually done at stores. Corporate diving, if I remember correctly, is done outside office buildings, and I can't remember what industrial diving is (use a search engine).

John: Last night I went dumpster diving.
Bill: Find anything?
John: Yeah, this CD player and a PS2 controller.
Bill: The things people throw away....
By Devonna
Dumpster Diving
Actively searching through trash in commercial or residential dumpsters to find discarded but usable items; Proves fruitful at grocery stores and bakeries, where good food is often neatly thrown away when it merely approaches the sell-by date.

We figured it was dumb to spend money on bread when the local bakery throws out fresh loaves every evening, so we went dumpster diving after they closed and came out with a weeksworth of bread for free!
By Alica
Dumpster Dive
A game that can be described as garbage because its either a bad play or just a bad game in general. However, because of a few redeeming features it manages to get a few people to play it.

Man did you see what Beertent was playing on steam last night? It was a total dumpster dive!
By Amanda