Define Fusk Meaning

Identifying a range of images to a fusker script that returns a web page that displays all of the images within the range. This is especially useful for downloading numerous pornographic images quickly.

Fusking is a great way to get porn.
By Bili
The sticky deposits found on ones lips after waking up in a morning after a long sleep. It is the mouths equivalent of 'sleep'.

Yuck, there's fusk all around the rim of this cup.
By Teri
A funky, musky smell when something is not clean esp. a penis.

Chicks won't go down on him because he is fusky.
By Rica
sounds like fuck. often mistaken for the "f-bomb".

What the fusk is this?! Abb hole!! abb hole
By Leeann
Fusking is simply using a program to extract files names from a website that would seem obvious. Like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc.

For the record: These other definitions aren't "fusking" wrong, they're fucking wrong. If you're typing "s" where your "c" is... consider a keyboarding class, n00b.

Amber: Oh hey Nikki, what are you gonna do tonight?
Nikki: I'm gonna try fusking in our friend's private photobucket for pictures they wouldn't want us to see.
By Willetta
Verb: To fuck with a dildo made from elephant tusk.

Tara: oh my, dumbo's tusk would make a great didlo...
Erica: yeah, i would love to fusk that!!
By Erminie
The scent emanating from the vagina of an overweight, middle aged woman.

(Person 1) Holy shit, what's that smell?

(Person 2) That's Kelly's fusk, man.
By Karna
Fusk: See Sex. Fusk is another word for Fuck or derogitory sex.

Ryan, you're a fusking moron if you think you can get my cheetos
By Elsi
This is a fart that comes out of Ian Rusk (LETS GO RUSK) while he is running either long distance or track workouts

“Hey Rebecca.”

By Annette

Theres no fusking way im going to dunk my toes in that mayonaisse.
By Jacqueline