Define Grab-assing Meaning

an expression used to refer to the horseplay being committed by others that has become annoying; also refers to horseplay, that by some aspect would likely be annoying and/or offensive to others.

e.g. "Hey! Knock off the grab-ass!" or "Hey! Knock off the grab-assing!"
By Belle

"You guys need to cut out the grab-assing and get to work."
By Devi
Grab Ass
1. the act of wrestling or chasing another person with the intention to squeeze that person's butt
2. to insult someone who is slacking off or wasting your time by inferring that they were grabbing each other's asses

1. Yesterday I caught my younger brother and his friends playing grab ass.
2. When my boss caught me and a co-worker smoking outside, my boss told us to stop playing grab ass.
By Hettie
Grab Assing
Fucking around with one or more other people, generally at work.

"You guys don't have time to be grab assing! Now get back to work, slackers!"
By Christean
Grab Ass
Basically dicking around or fucking off, often without sexual implications.

Quit playing grab ass and get back to work.
By Dore
Grabbing Ass
Grabbing ass: means to hold someone ass with tenderness and affection.
Ads grabbing shows intention to make love or kiss or as a show of love.

Have you seen that fit ads. I would like to grabbing ass now.
By Florry
Grab Assing

Stop all your grab assing, And come help us
By Cassondra
Grab Ass

You girls gonna sit around playing grab ass all day?
By Yvette
Grab Ass
A game typically played in large crowds in which you grab random guys' asses and nonchalantly keep walking/doing whatever you were doing. Give your friends a heads up so they can laugh & give you a report. Causes confusion & is hilar when done right.

If confronted: deny it with repulsed look on your face.

Nicole: Dude it's 2:25, the bars are about to let out. We should play a round of grab ass.
Kaitlyn: Hell yeah, look at that one, it's just asking to be grabbed.
(Everyone exits; most likely drunk)
Megan: (Grabs a hand full of ass)
Random Guy: WOAHHH, what the...? (snaps head around, confused, possibly thinking it was the person behind him)

By Zarla

Nick: Hey, quit playin' grab-ass and concentrate. Before we do this next set i want you to think to yourself: 'I'm gonna OWN this bitch!' say it with me...
By Merlina