Define Hovel Meaning

a very small yellow or blue house made from boxes, which bums make for shelter and so they can cook their food and get married in.

mr. p lives in a hovel, he has his whole life.
By Audrey
(noun) A large shovel + small hoe, in one miraculous tool. The greatest combination since the spork or foon.

Dang dog! Honey, get the hovel! I only have a minute to scoop and bury this steaming gift.
By Aubrette
verb : to take shelter.
: to hide away, like a hermit.

All he wanted to do was hovel and keep warm.
By Yetty
A fictional run-down building, similar to a shack, in which witches dwell. Ostensibly, a hovel can be defined in terms of the habitation of a witch, as a witch would only choose to live in a hovel. In actual fact, not all hovels are inhabited by witches and not all witches live in hovels (see the witch in Hansel and Gretel), so the connection between the two is unclear.

Person 1: "What's that shack-like building over there?"
Person 2: "There's a cauldron outside, so presumably a hovel."
Person 1: "How can you be sure?"
Person 2: "Well cauldrons belong to witches and witches live in hovels so I'm simply exercising my deductive skills."
By Kaitlyn
hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty -(small crude shelter used as a dwelling)
A small, mean, or dilapidated cottage; a wretched dwelling
It's where the poorest kid in school lives, or the definition of any townie's (see chav) house.

Go crawl back to your hovel, poor boy

Oh yeah?! well fuck off back to your hovel you stupid townie!!!
By Tuesday
hut or a very broke down house

Dj lives in a hovel.
By Kira
Hovelling means to stink about all day in one specific small enclosed space, not doing much, but being too busy to have a face to face social life.

Man 1: Where's Lois?
Man 1: She's hovelling about upstairs in her room.
By Danyette
1. Hovel; small dirty shack.
2. Nasty small dirty things.
3. Abnormal obejects
Verb; Hoveling

The other day I was at the Hovel mann, now I smell like cigs.
By Dode
Wank Hovel
when you have had a bad day, its the place where you go to curl up, wank and cry

"mate, my girlfriend dumped me, didn't leave my wank hovel for 2 weeks"
By Pier
Hovel Post
Generally used to describe an ill-fashioned walking stick upon which one would hovel, thus providing support for old or feeble persons.

"I am leaning on a hovel post"
"True, it is because you are unable to support yourself without it."
By Flory