Define Include Meaning

When the word FREE is inserted by mistake in commercials and by salemen. The price of a product is elevated to cover the cost of "FREE" add-ons.

Incorrect: But wait!! When you order this product now, you get this other product absolutely FREE !!!

Correct: But wait!! When you order this product now, you get this other product absolutely INCLUDED !!!
By Yoshi
Indicates a variety of ingredients to be included in a particular dish.

"Please run to the store and fetch me the includements for the pizza"

"Tristane could not complete her sandwich because she did not have a full set of includements"
By Karisa
Sanity Not Included
one of the funniest gaming web series created in 2010. starring machinima legends guitarmasterx7 and dexterboy124, these two not-so-average gamers (and their roommate Nina) attempt to make every large game release into a joke.

Hey man, did you watch that Sanity not included episode?

yeah, i pissed myself laughing.
By Cornelle
Including Jermaine

By Siusan
Including Moderation
Moderation in all things, including moderation, sometimes it is permissible to go hog wild!

We're really going to party at ROAR TIME after exams, moderation including moderation!
By Jenilee
dis-included ˌdɪsɪnˈkloo'did
–Verb, action-verb


2009 East Super Regional

not included, excluded, not liked, punked, Johnny'ed

To not be included by your friends colleagues and family in activities that you expect to be included in.

To have been included then excluded from expectied activities

Ex.....Johnny has been "dis-included" from the Super Regional sales team......

Ex....Since he has five girls in his house, Terry has been "dis-included" from the man-club
By Valerye
Should Include The Word Being Defined
should include the word being defined

should include the word being defined
By Kat
Note: I Only Heard The Third Meaning Recently, But I Thought It Was Pretty Funny So I've Included It.
When you only hear something recently, but you think it's pretty funny so you include it.

Peace Out

1. Goodbye
2. (intransitive verb) to leave or retire
3. (transitive verb) to kill

Note: I only heard the third meaning recently, but I thought it was pretty funny so I've included it.

1. "Yeah, see you then, peace out."
2. "Yo I gotta peace out, I'm tired."
3. "I just peaced out that spider with my shoe."

by anonymous Oct 20, 2003
By Janifer
It comes as part of a whole.

Do these boxes of mail include my stimulus check?
By Carlita
An person or business that has taken steps to be inclusive of all genders, sexualities, races and disabilities in the language they use and the products/services they provide.

It’s so easy to be an includer if you just stop assuming things about people and don’t be shocked by anything they say or do.
By Lavina