Define Kludge Meaning

A quick, messy but functional fix or workaround to a problem.

The server chassis was snapped in two, but I've kludged it together with electrical tape.
By Julissa
Not a necessarily a quick fix - but a unique, cheap approach to a sudden engineering disaster that arises; It's not pretty.

Also the only word of this variety to avoid being a disparaging remark about a group of people.

Engineer 1: "look I fixed it!"

Engineer 1: "Turns out that a single matchbook cover can hold this entire 3 ton mechanism stable."

Engineer 2: "thats's a total kludge."
By Xenia
Bad code that works but is barely readable, overly complex and unmaintainable.

This code is a total kludge!
By Nadya
1. a patch or fix in a computer program, especially a clumsy one

2. to fix a computer program

The way things work with that system is a kludge.
By Jilli
.v, 1.a complete waste of time. 2. a complete mess.

Jason's project is a kludge of bull crap and GPO documents.
By Alexa
When the dick gets stuck in the dynamic pussy lips.

Damn bitch, my shit is kludged!
By Vinnie

Man, he's such a kludge.
By Jacky

Man, he's such a kludge.
By Katusha
Commie Kludge
a ill-assorted collection of poorly-matching parts, forming a distressing communist whole

you are a commie kludge
By Lola