Define Minimum Meaning


That minimum is a legend
By Jerrine
The word "minimum" means to possess or obtain the least amount of something. To keep numbers, a subject, or a profile at the lowest.

John Doe kept negative grades to a minimum, as he wanted to pass his classes and graduate.

"Keep civilian casualties to a minimum. We do not want to accidentally shoot anyone." Said Sgt. Doe to his squad.

"Had Telltale Games kept their reckless management and their employee count to a reasonable minimum, would they not be shutting down."
By Bettina
1. Slang used in place of the phrase right on to signify agreeing on a matter at hand. 2. Slang used in place of the word awesome to define an amazing event.

James: I cannot wait to get piss drunk tonight in Las Vegas.

Taryn: We are going to have the most minimum time tonight.
By Miquela
Minimum McWage
The amount of money that a Mcdonalds employee most likely makes. Which is usually $7.25 an hour.

Dude, I wanted to buy a ring for my girlfriend for our one year anniversary... problem is that the ring is $2,500, and with my job making minimum McWage there's no way I can get it right now.
By Grace
Minimum Rage
A state of anger brought on by being underpaid.

I just found out my salary is 20% below market. I've got some serious minimum rage.
By Daron
Maximize The Minimum
it's how you describe somebody that works hard at doing as little work as possible

You see that guy over there maximizing the minimum.

It's Friday afternoon and it's time to maximize the minimum until I go home from work.
By Nikkie
Minimum Wage
A highly visible tattoo or piercing, usually located on the neck or hands. Also applies to excessive facial piercings or large gauge ear piercings.

-Props to Oeler for this one-

Dude, go check out the minimum wage on that guy cleaning the bathroom!


Because of the minimum wage he got in college, Joe was never able to find a job paying more than seven dollars an hour.
By Isahella
Minimum Wages
The thing that Mcdonalds courperation gives to Mcdonalds emplyees

Josh was going to work at Mcdonalds but was told to work at a sweat shop if he wanted more than Minimum wages
By Tomi
Minimum Wagin

I couldn't find a good job, so I'll probably just be minimum wagin this summer.
By Shel
Minimum Wage
A way for the upper class to keep people poor enough that they won't fulfill their dreams, while still giving them enough money to stay alive long enough to continue the cycle. There are ways to escape the purgatory that a minimum wage job entails, but most wage-slaves are too disillusioned by their meager station in life to take any serious action to improve it. The constant stream of bourgouise propaganda has convinced those on the rusty lower rung of the economic ladder that they don't deserve it anyway.

I started my new job last week, and my manager decided to fuck me in the ass while I washed the dishes, just to assert his dominance over me.
Oh, you must be working minimum wage. Don't worry, your manager takes oxies and jerks off to the music video for G.U.Y. by Lady Gaga to fall asleep at night because he's been working there for half his life and only makes 50 cents more than you per hour.
I guess that's just what's in the cards for me because I am a nobody and I deserve nothing. I have made friends with my depression, and have irredeemably ruined my body, my future and my interpersonal relationships because I lack a fear of death. By the way, if you come in during my shift I'll give you my 50% discount. Golly-gee I love working minimum wage.
By Randy