Define Misses Meaning

Misses is the sweetest thing you'll ever have the good fortuine of knowing. She's kind and thoughtful and always makes you feel happy. She's always there when you need her and her love cannot be matched. Misses has the most amazing smile and you can't help but love it. She epitomizes the word sexy and her deep beautiful eyes will make your heart skip a beat. Misses has the most beautiful ass, is super sensual and loves to be intimate. Misses is the most wonderful thing you'll ever know.

By Peri
Pleasuring yourself at the thought of a distant partner

I was missing you again earlier
By Mirabella
Missful is the emotion associated with missing a person, place or thing.

She's in Canada, i'm so missful!
By Benedikta
The act in which something gets lost. Such as 89 million being spent on pogba who then gets lost within inches of grass.

Pogba has been missing for several weeks.
By Karisa
What every YOUNG woman likes to be called!

By Pepi
when something is lost, and you just want it back. a feeling you get when you bestfriend or boyfriend leaves and you dont know what your going to do. your walls are fallin down, you need them back. you dont know what your going to do without them. you just want that feelin they gave you when you were together back. everythings pretty much a mess, and you still need them. but there shit less of your feelings and dont care about you anymore.

I miss you so much, I want things to be the way they were.
By Sheelah
Missed is often used to describe a situation when you fail to be present or when you fail to hit or strike an object. However, when the word missed is used in quotation marks, such as "missed", it refers to being totally smashed out of your mind, in a hugely small amount of time, so much so that you are asked to leave the bar immediately, even before the band plays their first song, and you therefore "missed" the band, even though you were present at one point, but oddly enough you didn`t "miss" the ground when you hit it leaving the bar.

Chuck...."Man, can you believe Mark missed that awesome band last night?"

Donna..."But I thought Mark was at the show?"

Chuck..."Well, he was, but then he "missed" it."

Donna..."Oh, now I get it."
By Odetta
Miss is the sweetest thing you'll ever have the good fortuine of knowing. She's kind and thoughtful and always makes you feel happy. She's always there when you need her and her love cannot be matched. Miss has the most amazing smile and you can't help but love it. She epitomizes the word sexy and her deep beautiful eyes will make your heart skip a beat. Miss has the most beautiful ass, is super sensual and loves to be intimate. Miss is the most wonderful thing you'll ever know.if you get a miss keep her there is no one else like her nobody can replace a miss.

Boy:aye miss do something to me I'm not letting her go.

Miss can stay on yo mind
By Wynne

John: my dad is missing because he had problems
By Morganica

By Alvera