Define Pual Meaning

Jake Pual

By Laurette
Logan Pual
The mentally unstable man who thought it would be a good idea to go and film a dead guy in a Japanese forest, his fans are very much intellect as you can tell by how they supported Logan during this crisis saying “I would laugh too” “he’s dead why does it matter” “ I would have done the same thing if ‘I’ saw the dead guy”

Hey look it’s that retard Logan Paul
I’ll be there to film you after you die Logan pual
By Larina
Pual Mankiller
Brian aliev porsen tath spelz evrythiing correctlee even they'ree nayme.

Pual mankiller is such a briany broodle
By Katharine
Pual Wheeler
A boy whom shags cats, also very sad.

* I'm getting a cat at the weekend!
**Make sure it stays away from wheeler!
By Ronny
Jake Pual
This is not very nice content should not be real

Wow that really is a jake pual moment
By Ciel
Pual Murray
The defintion of this word is:
A lifeless idiot who does'nt even know how to you. He does mrs.snodgrass on weekends he told me so the other day talk about sick dont you think so well I do. Him and chris lowman "blow man"
look at midget porn togather sick isnt it.

By Georgine
Pual Murray
The definition of this word is:
A lifeless idiot who cant even spell you if he tryed sad I know and he does his dog on weekends poor dog I feel so sorry for the dog.
Him and chris lowman look at migdet porn togather sick. aka "blow man"

quit looking at midget porn its wrong your such a paul
By Evie
A word you use to trigger a selection of people called "Paul". Might ruin friendships if used excessively.

Steve: Yo pual, how was school today?
Paul: Stop calling me that omg
By Natasha
Jake Pual
It is second name of shit

You are a shit as jake pual fuck jake pual
By Eunice