Define Wrote Meaning

Describing something lame or undesirable because it's been done before, or just wasn't worth doing in the first place.

I don't wanna go to the skate park, we've gone every day... that place is so wrote.
Let's go chill at Dan's instead.
By Maggee

Shawna asked Kurt if there was class but he said there was a supply teacher and class was wrote
By Christean
To be so steaming drunk that Sonya from Eastenders is no longer "wrote down".

I was so wrote last night that I saw Sonya on Eastenders and thought it was a porn firm
By Pru
That magical word you thought was unique to you that you write when you try to write "writing".

"Michelangelo's wrotings, while not as well known as his other works, still left a meaningful impact on Renaissance Europe."
By Letisha
I Wrote This
the best song ever wrote by an amazing artist, named Patrick Star.

" Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Star I have a sandwich my mommy name is Fred it tastes like beans and bacon and it smells like it's been dead," - Wow Patrick this is great!-Sponge Bobs comment on the song i wrote this.
By Dorry
Wrote Gerbil
A phrase used to describe the awe that occurs when one sees an attractive female ( could be likened to drooling over someone.)

Dude, she was so hot! I'm not gonna say she was the best-looking teacher ever, but I definitely wrote gerbil.
By Rhoda
Wrote Rage
1. Experiencing excessive anger or becoming unreasonably upset due to the identification of improper usage of punctuation and grammar in everyday life.

2. Confusion or frustration brought about by the inability to adequately express yourself; intense aggravation compounded by the knowledge that the correct words or syntax exist in the English language that would exactly convey the intended message, but recollection is stubbornly out of reach.

1. The sign that said, "Please 'do not feed the' seagull's", inflamed my wrote rage to DEFCON level 3.

2. Wrote rage compelled a grammar Nazi to repeat the explanation of the difference between "your" and "you're".

3. "I know there is a better way to say this. I swear, it's on the tip of my tongue. AHH! This wrote rage is going to make my brain leak out my ears!"
By Micki
Wrote Off
To be drunk

Person one "How did last night go"?
Person two "I was completely wrote off the face of the earth".
By Shay
Wrote The Note
When an action you intended as helpful totally blows up in your face, and ruins the friendship you had with the person you were trying to help

Bill: Dude, you really wrote the note on that one

Craig: I was only trying to help!
By Saraann
Wrote Off
When a person looks like shit, as in they have been written off, like a crashed car

Person one: do I look ok?
Person two: no man, you look like a total wrote off
By Arly